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Fun Befor The Wedding- part 3 by Screw3

Fun Before The Wedding -Part 3 by Screw3

Phil headed right over to the bed Alice was sitting on and the redhead, Sally went with them. Phil looked a little non-plussed when Alice grabbed Sally and kissed her instead of him. Alice reached out w
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About Last Night

When I woke up, for the briefest moment I didn't remember where I was, or who this woman was beside me in bed. It quickly came back to me though, before I even had time to lift her leg off me. Jenny was here, finally, and then I remembered last nig
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Mrs Brown

Mrs Brown's English classes were fun. She was a really great teacher, always keeping the attention of the class. With good reason too, she had a great figure and face and was pretty young for a teacher. This lesson I had noticed she had been lookin
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An Incidental Encounter Part 2

An Incidental Encounter while travelling by Screw3
Part 2
Rhonda read what her computer had printed out. Her recorder was a speak to print software for her laptop. "Rhonda, now that was exciting writing. Certainly delivering a baby must have th
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How does it start?

He flies into town late that night, and as arranged, she is there to meet him. It has been almost 6 months since they last saw each other, and so much has changed between them. Tonight is almost the least of the change to their friendship.
The qu
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An Accidental Meeting

An Accidental Meeting by Screw3
Carrie and I avoided meeting one another. She left me a note telling me that she was afraid to take a chance on getting preggers and I agreed with that wholeheartedly. I left her a note telling her that I was going
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