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Weekend with Anderson

Chapter 6
As the afternoon wore on, Helen informed Kevin and Sherry that they were "invited" to spend the rest of the weekend and that they should make arrangements to cancel any plans that they might have had. Luckily neither of them had any tha
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Office Staff & My Wife

Office Staff & my Wife
Hi friends, here I am again to tell you one of our exclusive experiences. As you know about us, but for the first timers, I will introduce in short. We are a happily married couple, from India. We have been married since 5
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Boys and Girl

Story number : 8

Before you start reading : Please forgive me for my bad grammar and vocabulary but that's cause my first language is NOT English but Dutch . But I do the best I can to write a decent story that is pleasant to read . When I w
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Tony's Luck Day

I was walking alone, feeling dejected. My girlfriend left me for another man, my job sucked, and my rent was late. It was kind of a shitty day.

I wasn't paying attention when I slammed into someone coming out of a door along the sidewalk. We
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A very naughty girl

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed. It's not a great excuse, but its all that I have, so its what I am going with. I don't wish to be telling this story to complete strangers, but I am in a great deal of trouble, and this is part of my discipline
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