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Naughty Neighbor

I am a lonely hot and horny housewife. I go on the inter net and fantise about spankings. While I am doing this, I will walk around my house and rub my tits and wet pussy with my blinds up. I guess I do this for my one neighbor, hoping he will see
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my ex girlfriend

when I was seeing my ex girlfriend I want to emphasize the word ex and girlfriend
we had an understanding that even though she was considerably
bigger and stronger then I and could have probably whipped my ass at any time
nevertheless I
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A Twink Get Away For Sex

First let me describe the two characters so you can get a feel for the hot action that is going on here. Sam has blonde hair and blue eyes and is slightly muscular with a slight six pack. Max has blonde hair and brown eyes and is also slightly muscul
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Marykate and Ashley and Me

Please forgive any errors, Enjoy!

My name is James and let me just say that I'm in love with two girls, their names are Nikki and Ray.(Marykate and Ashely will be in my story in just a bit) They're twins ofcourse, and I really do enjoy talking
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