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twins after sex ed class

My sister and I are twins. My name is Josh and my sister's name is Ashley. We were always very close and we always shared our secrets with each other. When we were 13 years old, we were in the same health class together. It was now the time in our he
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Beer Dick?

She called it Beer Dick

My bud has a sunken living room with a television in it. Angela my wife and I and Jen, Truman's wife were lying there kind of watching TV and snoozing off and on after a hot sunny day of hanging in the pool and a
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the right to britney part 2

Two weeks went by until the agreed upon Friday night. One at a time we all arrived at my place. I rigged up the downstairs guest bedroom for our fun. There is a door to the downstairs that the guys took so that Christina wouldn’t know they
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Jess and Mike

Jess and her father were sort of distant since Mikes wife died.

Mike wanted them to be close. First of all Jess is 13, 110 pds, 5'1" and 36C nice tits.

One day Mike had a Tim, and Matt over to watch the Phillies game on the big screen.
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First time with GF

It was a monday, and all I could think about was what would happen after school. My GF invited me over to have sex. I loved her and wanted it so bad.

Bell Rings and i race home, drop off my stuff and run to catch the bus. geting excited about
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Wifes gangbang

As a punishment, my Wife Kathy made me write this story to share my humiliation......

Kathy, my wife is extremely pretty with blond hair, blue eyes about 5 ft 6 in and in great shape. Over our 7 year marriage, we have had many good sexual exp
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I was busy going through my closet, trying to find the perfect thing to wear, and I didn't hear Britt come rushing up the stairs to my room. "Hey Alyssa! Hurry up and get ready it's almost nine!" I looked at her,"That's not fair! You look all cute an
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