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slutty lil catholic girl

I'll never forget the day I saw him. He was 6'2 with dark brown hair and bright green eyes. He was sitting on a bench outside my apartment building. He was a priest at the convent right next to my house. I wanted to have sex with him the first t
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Twins and Me

I was a senior in college and I was taking a walk off campus near most of the sorority houses. When I saw this pair of red haired twins. They looked like maybe they were lost or looking for someone. They asked me if I was a college student and how ol
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the best fuck i have ever had

it was a bout 5:00pm and my boy friend and i was commeing home from playing basket ball and by the time we got to his house his mom was gone so we went to his room and we sat on his couch he looks in to my eyes and wispers to me u know i love u rite.
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Dark Theatre

Story number : 11

Before you start reading : Please forgive me for my bad grammar and vocabulary but that's cause my first language is NOT English but Dutch . But I do the best I can to write a decent story that is pleasant to read . When I
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