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Jake,Kim and Mike

Ever since that Saturday a month ago my niece Jake (short for Jacquelyn) have been carrying on a torrid paced affair. She and I are screwing 3 or 4 nights a week. The pace is wearing me out I am having sex sometimes twice a day. The only time w
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Samantha Parker's Story

Chapter Twenty Four

Anna saw her Uncle Burt's car pull into the drive and she ran to the door to greet him. When he came inside, she put her arms around him and said, "It's nice to have you home for a change. I was going to fix a light d
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tasty milk

At that time I was living nothern part of india with my family at the age of 18.We was live as a tenant.Our land lord have a single son,he was married.His wife's who's age was 22years.His wife's behaviour was very good and attract me.One day my fam
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An Orgy by the Eagles Nest

This story is not about an adventure of mine, but I was fortunate to view it and capture it on videotape. I was in the mountains camping, hiking and above all doing a video documentary of a nest of eagles that I had discovered the week before. Not
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Samantha Parker's Story

Chapter: Twenty One

During the three weeks Samantha had been living with Doctor Sherman, significant changes occurred. The master bedroom, which had been made into sort of a hospital room, was now returned to its original function. Doctor Sher
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Samantha Parker's Story

Chapter: Twenty

Doctor John Sherman thought that in his entire life, he had never experienced the intense level of sexual desire he felt when he was slipping Samantha's pajama bottom and panties down. Now as he lay in his bed, the vision of
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