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Friendly Cousins

We were all going to our grandparents house for easter as we did every year. I was 16 at the time and mega horny. All I could think about was fucking and I spent most of my day wanking. I was downstairs one afternoon when all the adults had gone t
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Sarah's Oddysey

Silence was Sarah's only companion as she sat in the passenger seat of the car. She was waiting, in front of the motel's reception, for her boyfriend to return with the room key. It was the night of their formal and although it had been over fo
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I was thinking about an amazing story....I need feedback from other authors.If you are interested please post story named Loveville....this is inportant as i am trusting others with my idea...please respect my trust, dont let me down.

Here it
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Nick's Lawyer

Nick's divorce was immanent he was standing in front of a window on the sixth floor of an office building listening to Craig, his lawyer go over details contained in his wife's divorce papers. He was glad it was almost over but not about how gree
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he funeral home

I work in a funeral home in a large city and it is a little depressing to see the amount of young people who come through here, not just teenagers but twenty and thirty something some mothers, some fathers, brothers, sisters its sad. Sad because the
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a night of lovemaking

and i can sense how much you want it

as i feel your hips moving.. God how i love feeling you move

"fuck me kelly please fuck me with your mouth " you say

flipping you over onto your back i bring both your thighs up to rest
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Where to begin is really kind of hard. I have 3 cousins the oldest one is 1 year younger than i am. I am 21 now and when we first discovered each others bodies we were around 7 and 8. I used to stay the weekends over his house and we would take ba
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The girl next door

Story number : 21

The girl next door

In the city where I live, I have many friends. They live all over the city. Some live on my street. But there is somebody very special, and she lives very close. So close, that when I look ou
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