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The bike ride

The bike ride

It was a cool evening. The perfect evening for a bike ride. I put on my biker shorts, sports bra that snaps in front and a comfy t-shirt. I grabbed my helmet and bike and loaded them onto the back of my little SUV. Heading toward
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A New Beginning

Chapter Six: Ariel And Her Uncle Hal

All during dinner, I was trying to determine what Ariel had in mind. I guessed she'd been turned on by the spanking and I wondered where she wanted things to go. It was obvious she was trying to turn me o
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Samantha Parker's Story

Chapter Twenty Nine

Doug Ferron was loitering just a few feet down the hallway from the nurse's station. From here, he had a good view and he could hear what was said. That hot little bitch was trying to find out about someone who had been o
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Samantha Parker's Story

Chapter Twnety Eight

Scott and Tracy had kissed for a while and now Tracy was pulling her McDonalds tee shirt off and unfastening her bra. Scott was beginning to have second thoughts. Was this worth dealing with the guilt he was sure to suffer
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Samantha Parker's Story

Chapter Twnety Seven

Allison Chambers had just filled the bathtub with very warm water. It was nearly a week after her extremely painful lunchtime encounter with Frank Nichols. She was finally beginning to recover, but she was still far from f
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Swallow This

It was a dive bar on the south side. They rarely attracted any big names but every once in a while the barely lucid patrons were treated as guinea pigs for new material from a well known band. Usually they were guys that got their start playing late
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Wife and lover


You went to Amsterdam with the boys for a stag weekend and when you said you were thinking of not going because of me, I really encouraged you to go, finally persuading you and telling you to enjoy yourself. On the Saturday night yo
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Wet Surprise

One hot july afternoon I had came home from BaseBall Practice. I usually got home before anyone else and had the house to myself for 3 hours before mom and dad came home frome work. I had gotten the Shower to wash the sweat off of my body from the
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