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the Big Mistake….

I felt my Masters cock slide from my wet mouth. The gag was replaced quickly. "There you can bite that!" You have just made a huge mistake. In fact you have made 2 mistakes! Suddenly my master left the room in a fury. The room was pitch black as
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Bi Male in Atlanta Part 1

Bi male sex in Atlanta
Part 1- Scott

When I was in my yearly twenties I had a brief but exciting male bisexual encounter. I had too much to drink and wound up getting a blowjob from a male friend, which in turn I provided him the same serv
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The Past Becomes Present

Friday morning, around 11 am. Getting a little hungry. Working on some billings, and being bored. Someone comes in the door of the office. I, being the nosy person I am turn to see you standing there. Out of the blue! With no word that you would be h
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