Things That Go Hump in the Night 3
The young black woman in the slinky cat outfit literally prowled the room. She knew what she was looking for. It was just a matter of finding it.
Nothing here. Move onto the next one. She didn't have time to waste.
Aw now, this looked m
Nothing here. Move onto the next one. She didn't have time to waste.
Aw now, this looked m
Things That Go Hump in the Night 2
The blond moved into the party, looking left and right as she kept an eye on the lookout for some cute guys. Not bad, she thought to herself. Better than last year. Yeah, there was definitely some potential here.
The blond was dressed all in w
The blond was dressed all in w
the divorce, chapter 7
Well it happened. I got a night like no other in my life last weekend, and it would not have been possible if I was still married, no fucking way. Went to a colleague's wedding on Saturday it was held in a little chapel out side town but the rec
Things That Go Hump in the Night 1
The party was already jumping when the three friends arrived outside. "Looks like a good one this year," said the witch and the others agreed.
A jack o'lantern blazed away on the porch and music blared from inside as the three friends entered
A jack o'lantern blazed away on the porch and music blared from inside as the three friends entered
My Spanish Surprise
I've had a very high sex drive ever since I can remember, I'm thinking about fucking and wet most of the time. Plus I know I look pretty good and when guys stare at me in the street I feel my juices start to flow immediately. Sometimes I like to li
My girlfriend's K9 adventures
When I came home, my girlfriend told me her about her and Buzze's erotic adventure.....
The first night I was gone, my girlfriend gave buzz a bath. She had on a white tanktop and no bra(she likes to lounge around house braless). When she was d
The first night I was gone, my girlfriend gave buzz a bath. She had on a white tanktop and no bra(she likes to lounge around house braless). When she was d
Night of My Life (part 3)
She said "I'm so horny I want your dick now!". She got up and I unzipped my pants and she pulled them off. Then she took my shirt and before I knew it, I was naked. When she saw my dick she starred for what seemed like an eternity. She bent down and
Master Jimm – Part 2
Jimm had a few hours before the return of his girlfriend and made good use of his time. The first thing he did was to ring Mel's brother who gave him the low down on spankings and how it was administered in their family. He also went down to the loca
the divorce chapter 6
It was late afternoon on s Thursday and I had offered to drop off some contracts at a clients house. He had told me he would be home around four in the afternoon, so I left the office early to drop them off. When I pulled up outside his house I saw