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a night to remember

Paul sat at the bar, pissed off from a usually shitty week
at work. The bastards never appreciated all of the time
and effort that he put forth for them, he was expected to
act like a cyborg, accept orders and efficiently carry
them out,
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sex with sister-in law

I have been fantazing of having a secret sex scenes with my sister-inlaw/mother-in law for many years now. I am a decent guy with a beautiful wife and adorable son. I also have a great job that attracts a lot females. The problem is when i'm at my
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it pays to listen the first time

The day started like any other between us- meet secretly, him cheating on his wife, me on my boyfriend for a quick rondevous in the woods at a friends camper. We have been doing this for years and years - 12 to be exact - Okay,so normally I never dil
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