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Fantasy Cruise Line

One never really appreciates life to its fullest, unless something drastic occurs to make one think twice about life. At the end of August, my family was hit hard as my little cousin of seventeen was attacked, robbed and then stabbed early one night
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Night At The Hotel – Part 2

Tony walked over to the dresser, where I had laid out most of the toys. He took one glance and his mouth dropped to the floor. I snuck up behind him and tapped him on the shoulder, he quickly turned around. I slapped him furiously across the face. "W
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Night At The Hotel – Part 1

Before to long, I am engaging in an electrifying conversation. Tony drags me into this nearby restaurant to have a bite to eat, while we discuss our further plans. He grabbed my hand from across the table and asks me if I am sure I want to go through
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Dating Service Hook up

I was a little nervous about signing up with this local dating service. My girlfriend and I went in on a two for the price of one deal so, whatever... I had been given a name,age, description and location of my first introduction and I was surprised
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