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My Uncle's Ex-Wife

I had spent man nights at my uncles house by myself. Sometimes he would go out and drink at the bar and leave his wife and I home by ourselves. She would flirt with me while he was away and sit right next to me and talk about sex with me. I found mys
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Deserved Discipline

I thought you would like to know that I got a spanking today from an old "friend". He called me this morning and I was a little rude and talked back to him on the phone. He decided to come over for a visit and in doing so, made me confess that I went
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Living with my Best Friend part 1

Her name is Holli, she's been living with Tori and Wes for a while now and is ready for a change. It was a temporary arrangement when she moved in, but now that things have changed and Wes's brother Levi isn't interested and things between Holli and
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Oral lesson

Anna answered the door and invited Susan into her posh livingroom where Denise stood in her negligee...a sheer, see-through affair that didn't hide her magnificent breasts or her panty-covered crotch. A garterbelt and stockings and spike heels compl
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