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Miss Munoz

As I came back from this I noticed her hand was gently rubbing my crotch. My denim cock was harder then hard. She said she could make it all better, and that she knew I wanted her, that she has'nt been laid in along time. And I could tell, she laid o
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The Romantic Night

Amy sat on the couch, watching the nightly news. She was in the arms of her boyfriend, Brad, that she had been going out with for a year. Brad was of South American decent, and had dark brown eyes and black hair. He was wearing jeans and a sports t-s
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The Work Place (6)


Chapter Six

Angie rummaged through her closet, looking for her sky blue collared button-down polo shirt with three-fourth sleeves. She'd been looking for fifteen minutes, and couldn't find the damn thing. She had cons
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The Work Place (4)


Chapter Four

When Angie came to, she was lying naked on cold cement in a dark room that smelled like metal and dust. The only light was coming from the flickering fluorescent light bulb that swung back and fourth, back an
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A Beautiful Morning

Dennis thought that the day was going to be
like all the other days, but as usual he was wrong.

After firing up the computer and logging on, he read
MzDominica's blog. "giggle" It was so well crafted
that it captured his mind in
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The old animalhouse

This story continues from the previous night, so both Rick and I slept through most of the next day, and finally after we both had taken showers and was ready to leave we realized that we had probably missed the party that we were both supposed to be
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Back Home Again

As the years went by only to look back at some of my wild adventures when I was in college and sometimes wondering what ever happen to some of the guys that I went to school with and still remembering that one night in particular, that I can say that
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