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Her First Time

Lily walked into the crowded, smoky bar, looking through the smog to see if he was there yet. Not seeing him, Lily started walking toward the back of the bar before someone on her left just inside the door grabbed her arm and spun her around.
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Chris & Joanna Introduction

The internet can be a wonderful thing, especially for 2 shy people who wnat more from their lives - and love life. Chris and Joanna are these 2 people. Both Chris and Joanna are successful in their professional lives. Confident and secure. Chris
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Mandys Ghost's First Visit

Mandy's Ghost's First Visit.

Mandy had moved to the country to get away from all the hassles of living in London with the noise, the smell, the traffic and the crime. This coupled with that a complete lack of a love life, following her bit
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Nothing But Vengence

Nothing But Vengence

Hello, my name is Mark, but my online screen name is Vengence. I'm a programer at Microsoft. I also helped designed a speacial file sharing program.
Its called Morpheus.On this program, you can share your music,
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