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My New Neighbor

Vicki had just moved to a new job in a new town. Still undecided about where she wanted to live she was renting a cute little house from a business friend. After getting all her things arranged to her satisfaction she decided to wander out and meet
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My stay in Holland (1)

My Stay in Holland
It's quite an experience watching the boat enter the harbour and dock, I thought we might not be able to land with the strike being on, but we where on the route before the strike action allowing us to dock, thank god.
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My Wife Niece

This is some crazy shit.I still wake up scared thinking my wife found out.I know she will eventually,but what is ,is.My wifes'niece Sandy,and her husband and three kids came to stay with us.I had to get her hubby ,John a job where I work.But I only c
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While I Was Sleeping…

It was my cousin Beth birthday. She asked me if i can help her prepare and cook dinner for her friends since she is living alone. I went to her house and help her prepare her menu for her party.
I'm not a party person. So I told her that I wont
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interesting situation

I was home alone one night (which almost neer happens) and i was spending it doing research for my PhD. My room mate had apparently forgotten to lock the door on her way out, and i did not check it. We had been told, by a neighbor of ours, that there
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Arenas arriving in the port of Holland

Arriving at the port of Holland.

At last we're at the port of Holland I'm really looking forward to meeting Sanera, to thank him for the invite to stay with him for the week-end, unfortunately we're waiting to be given the ok t
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Lost Bet

Tonya smiled at me. "Your choice, baby doll. Jeans or bra?"
My fingers trembling, I unzipped my jeans and slid them down, suddenly aware we had attracted a crowd of about 20 onlookers who saw me remove my blouse and surmised there was a little st
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Rainy Day Surprise

As I lie in between the silky sheets and mounds of pillows I could not help be aroused from all the sounds and smells going on around me. The rain was pelting down on the balcolny outside my room and the smell just engulfed my senses. I began to rub
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