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Kyle's client was anxious to see us and made an appointment for several days later when he would be back in town. I am sure Kyle could sense my general uneasiness, and he talked me through it. Since this client was important to Kyle, and a good so
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Teamates and Partners

I was second string running back to Kyle for two years. We were also best friends. When Kyle graduated, he decided to "find" himself, an odd 1960'ish concept in the new century. Kyle and I exchanged phone calls, e-mails and letters from variou
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Slap and Tickle

Slap & Tickle

Hi, I said to Pete; you up to anything tonight after work, no he replied. What do you think of having a night around my place, watch a movey, have a drink, bring anyone you wish, that'll help us get through the rest of the week
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massage plus one

Our night started off with a comfortable but romantic dinner in the hotel restaurant. My sweety and I were not rushed out of our table and asked the waiter if we could stay there and order from the bar, "you see, we have a friend meeting us in 20 mi
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I went to a Dance at a Ski Resort, because my Parents forced me to go, so I decided I'd get fucked for my 1St. Time! I wore a short skirt & thong undies! When we got to the Dance, I looked around & saw a Guy with tight White Pants on & a Nice size bu
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