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I Wasn't To Know II

I walked up the stairs naked before him,and, even though the air was chill, I could feel my cock hardening through fear and anticipation. "Bathroom, right!" he barked. Once in the bathroom he produced an electric razor. "Your bodily hair is disgus
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Adventures with Tia – Part 2

Adventures with Tia
Life Goes On
Part 2

The first two months away from my Nikki were pure hell and I wasn't sure if it was better or worse that Dawn, Christy and Jan still weren't returning my messages.

On top of that, I was
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I Wasn't To Know

I was asked to back for a drink with a bloke I'd met in the pub. Having had a few beers, it seemed like a good idea, and on arrival at his house we went to the kitchen to start on the cans of lager. That was when he slammed the door shut and told m
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Cum swallowing

I was in a state of conflicted thought...thrilled I would be the center of attention, but afraid of the possibilities. We had a group of 4 couples that gets together once in a while to "party". We were all horny couples, secure in our relationshi
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I was crossing the Atlantic en route to Brussels, but I was also crossing from the vague, ill-defined gulf between drowsiness and sleep so familiar to long distance travelers. So far, I had not been able to make it all the way across. Of course, it
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In the Movies

My Girlfriend, Kristy, and I last summer went to an early afternoon show of one of the big horror movies of the year. When we got there it was just us for the longest time. Bored waiting for the movie to get started we started to full around. We w
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