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A Small Gift

A Small Gift Why had the mail man winked so suggestively as he handed her the parcel! He pointed to the store label prominent on the packaging. Vicky certainly wasn't expecting a delivery and didn't recognize the store name. In the house she lo
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Mason & Dorling go dogging

Mason guffawed. Captain Moss turned a steely stare at the officer. Undaunted, Mason doubled up, slapping the desk knocking the encumbrances asunder and guffawing louder.   "Shut the fuck up Mason". "Yes Sir, yes SIR" the detective clicked his he
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Uitdaging verloren

Uitdaging verloren Het was een supper drukke dag geweest op het werk , en ik haastte me naar huis, waar mijn vrouwtje Katrien waarschijnlijk al klaar stond te wachten om naar dit grote feest te gaan, waar we verwacht werden naar toe te gaan.
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De leugens voorbij

Het was altijd leuk, samen pinten pakken..nooit vervelend... Dikwijls werden we goed zat, maar nooit werd het vervelend. Als wist ik dat Pieter een doorwinterde homo was..., nooit was dit vreemd. Nooit maakte hij avances. Pieter was het gez
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lust for dicks

I worked at this place where I am the only female among all the workers. So everyone was always friendly to me but oneday business was knid of slow, so the boss took out some wine and liquor and we started drinking and tallking B.S just to pass time.
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Holy Spunk

As Irish grunge band, The Fecking Skypilots, had sung my lullaby, so Australian skunge singer, Jezzibella Trollope, crooned me awake. I groaned and made for the shower. No hot water! Typical of this place. While fixing breakfast I discovered my f
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WHEN CRAZY DAISY MET SILLY LILLY et La Danse de Deux a un Dulcimer, Danse de Seduction The story of two women who became dance partners, lovers, and the darlings of underground theatre. Their erotic choreography was as hot as their romance was
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TO KISS WHERE I CAME FROM A son's loving kiss on his mother's special place by Oediplex 8==3~ My mother is a beautiful redhead. Her hair isn't that dark kind of red, but a lighter, brighter shade; and natural, as I can attest from in
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