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Business Meeting

Business Meeting I could hear the rush of air that came as the front door opened with the storm door closed. If he'd pulled any harder, he would have popped the glass out of both doors. Naturally, I would have been blamed. "Come back here, you
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The Commuters

On the tip of my tongue were the words "fuck off, pervert"; not particularly lady-like but it usually has the required effect. However from the corner of my eye the frotteur looked slightly interesting if somewhat different. As usual the under
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My Night Alone

We went to Texas to be taught. After the classes we hit a local restaurant that had some extremely gorgeous waitresses.I noticed the guy next to me was very "turned on." We kept ordering drinks so we could stay and check out the girls. I noticed that
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IT HAPPENED ONE NIGHT: A SERIES One night, right in front of me, my folks fucked! by Oediplex 8==3~ Series - included in this posting: Saturday night - It Happened One Night: Right in front of me, my folks fucked! The next day - It
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CUM, YE MOTHERFUCKERS, CUM By Oediplex 8==3~ This Oedipus opus is dedicated to my mother, Dell PREAMBLE Greeting to all Oediplex OediPals, both sons and mothers who ever thought about committing incest with their parent or child, most espe
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Dad's Trip Made My Mom Strip

Dad's Trip Made My Mom Strip by Oediplex 8==3~ Based on an il-lust-ration by Pandora's Box, If sauce for the gander is sauce for the goose, what does a good gosling get? Lena was furious, Lena was horny. Lena was hurt, Lena was frustra
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Just Deserts

"Would you like to come up for a drink?" Internally, Janet smiled and screamed, "Yes!" Outwardly, she said, "Sure," and stepped through the door as Greg held it open. She'd been looking forward to this moment for weeks now, ever since Greg had acc
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