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Wife and brother get it on

My wife is 32 years old, brunette, good figure and not afraid to show off her attributes. But earlier this year she got more than she bargained for when she tried to tell her brother what she thought of him. We live in a local community that most
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Jim'll Fix Her

Jim'll Fix Her!... The dripping noise that came from the kitchen tap downstairs was as close to Chinese Water Torture as Ruby could imagine. Hour after hour it kept her awake and by the third night of being subjected to the incessant sound, sh
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flight to OWK

The mistresses just stood there waiting for Margaret to leave. Next a rectangular box appeared made of the finest wood. They opened it to reveal an enclosure with 3 silk hollows that should have gold nuggets sitting in them. A mistress approached wi
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son in law masseaur

So my ex son in law stops by every so often to help with chores, borrow tools, simply hello's etc. Somehow always when my husbands at work. We flirt, hell he's my "ex" son in law and my husband hasn't touched me in years. I admit I am a tease, for
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Caught by my mother in law

My wife's mother is not someone that you would want to cross as she has a very acid tongue and a stare that could kill, so what happened to me when she caught me doing something that I would have thought would have been the end of my relationship w
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