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The Beach Bus

The Beach Bus by Lothario Cassanova I was a bit dingy from the sun as I climbed up the steps of the bus and worked my way to the back. The bus that would return me to the city was crowded with beach goers and there were no seats left so I sto
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I sat dejected, too old to do the only thing I knew how to do! Trained in the army, I'd honed my skills in the little mini-wars of the world - the kind that you read about on page two of your local newspaper and promptly forget. As a Soldier of F
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Xenia Series 1

I sat at the key board, staring at the monitor for the 10th time today. "That slave ad. I just have to try it. It's online. I can quit anytime I want to." I clicked the ad and "Master" answered. "So, you want to be a slave, do you?" "Sounds like a
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The Intruder

Danny often scolded her for doing it but then he wasn't there, besides she was happy, and whistling one of her favourite tunes was an expression of that happiness. So her husband didn't recognise the tunes she whistled, so he claimed that she
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Nooner with June

June and I had never actually met. She posted a personal ad that I responded to and we began corresponding. June is my age, about 50. Funny, but I always preferred fucking younger skinny girls with perky little titties. Anyway June and I started 't
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Morning Experiment

As the welcoming afternoon sun slipped through the blinds I slowly opened my eyes to the new day. Shuffling in the sheets for a moment, I turned over to see him lying there, still peacefully asleep. I cuddled slowly next to his soft, warm skin, caref
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Ethan and Tommy

I was confused and more than a little afraid as I opened the door to my home one afternoon. I heard sounds, faint at first, moaning sighing coming from the bedroom. I had been at work for many hours working on particullary heavy caseload at the law f
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Grandfather's Fault

I guess you could say it was my Grandfather's fault. Not that he meant to, or really had anything to do with it, except for the fact that his passing away is the whole reason this happened. My Grandfather was 99 and a-half years old when he pas
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A New Spirit

"Oh how could he, how could he?" Sabby felt tears well up in her eyes and her temper rise as she watched her husband Rob's bare butt thrust forward again sending the dick that she had experienced so many, many times doing for her what it was doin
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3holes Begins Her New Life

First thing in the morning her black head hood was removed and she was stood in front of a basin to wash it and hang it up to dry. She was given a breakfast of a can of slave food much like dog food but formulated for "human" slaves. It was placed in
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