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It's called being a tease part 1

I felt his hand go over my month his lips at my ear don't you dare scream. I didn't make a sound. That's a good little slut. He slammed me up against the wall. He kissed me I pushed him away. He slammed me back against the wall. Ow... Be g
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So thats what DP stands for

Had at least two messages here,recommendations concerning "DP", had no idea what that meant till about an hour ago. I'll skip the intro for regular followers, all others can catch up by reading past posts. So my ex son in law stops by as scheduled
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All for my Wife's Entertainment

The woman I am married to has a strange sexual appetite. I don't mean the things she's into are particularly kinky, although she can be at times; I mean her frequency and strength of desire vary wildly. Sometimes we will have sex for several days in
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Xenia Chapter 9

"Slave. Wake up." Master's voice commanded. I looked up and there was no Master present. The lights had come on and I saw the computer scene on the table had a wake up call. "What time IS it?" I wondered. I was able to get to the front bars of my
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One Size Fits All

This is a true story that I experienced with my boyfriend when I was 19 years old. I'm now 23. My little group of friends and I had just gradurated high school, and
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Dream come True

Hi, I am Anita, now 38. This is my true story which is 8 years old. Then we were at Mumbai, Bhandup. I was married for 9 years by then, but had no issues. My husband was in Navy and had to frequently go to high seas. I was felt lonely and really wa
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Team Soirit

Team Spirit "Come on you guys! Concentrate!" Beth yelled at the eight boys on the basketball court. Her team was engaged in a four on four scrimmage. She threw her hands in the air as one of her starters threw the ball well over the head of
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Over a Barrel part 2

Over a Barrel Part 2 "Well how was everything?" The site supervisor asked as he entered the small security office early in the morning. "Uh okay," Shannon said quickly averting her eyes from looking at him. She was sure that somehow h
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