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Another night with Jessica

I arrived at my girfriends house knowing that only her mother Jessica would be in as she was working late. I walked into the kitcken to see Jessica washing the dishes. she was wearing a shortish red skirt. So I put my hand up her skirt to squeeze her
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One night after a passionate session of love making I thought to myself that I would love to give her more. After carefully thinking of a plan I came up with the idea of calling Trevor. I wanted to bring her to a nice hotel that had the works, Jacuz
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Sarah and I

The relationship between Sarah and I had been completely plutonic. I mean we never went beyond the friend zone, mostly because she didn't know I was 'like that'. Theres something about being gay that I enjoy; I have a very strong gaydar. I can tell w
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I had been babysitting with my girlfriend Melissa before. This night though Mellissa said "I want you to fuck me tonight Don" I knew she had played around and given me blowjobs before, I knew she had never been fucked before though. I said "Melissa I
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Our Story By Loverboy & Babydoll I know you have heard of all the different sex positions, and let me tell you, me & my girlfriend have tried them all... but have you ever tried "All-In"? That's what we call it anyway... It starte
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The Bachelor Party

My neighbors and I were making the last arrangements for Arthur's bachelor party. I was the Best man and it was going to be a small party. We were talking about the entertainment and maybe getting a stripper. Then one of my friends, Roy, said to me.
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