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My name is Beth and my friends name is Sue. We both graduated from school this year. Going to college this fall. Our problem is we are both bored. So we decided we were going to go off for a week with some boys we know from school. Their names Pet
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College Sex Drive

This is the story, of how two teenagers lost their virginity at the age of 19. Enjoy. All is fiction. The names, the name of the collage, everything else. Maddy's P.O.V (Point of View) I was runinng late for science. The science cl
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True Sex after dark in the park

I love Nick, always have. When I first met him there was a special connection that I felt between him and me. I felt like I had known him all my life, and yet it was only for minutes. When I met him we were in our last year of high school, so I gues
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Modeling For Daddy

Like most children in America today, I grew up without a father. My mother and my grandparents never allowed me to see him, know him, or know anything about him. My mother was still angry at him after all these years. She never said anything but I su
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His ex is my gain pt 1

I had first met Sue a few years back when she dated and was later engaged to my roommates old college buddy Chris. While she was not unattractive I had always found her to be somewhat of a bitch with a snappy and holier than thou attitude about her.
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His Descent into Slavery 30

The rules were simple, To be intimate, as though we had known each other for years. Make sure each others genitals were touched and licked. To ignore that we were on display and talk to each other in a sexual way. To have sex on the hour, each h
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