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Friends with Pam

I walked into the valentine's party and started making my way across the packed clubhouse to the rear deck where everybody put the beer they brought into a communal baby pool filled with ice. I placed the remaining 11 beers from the 12 pack I brou
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A wren spanked hard at sea

"Sea-Woman Susan Pryde tastes the crop" (FICTION BASED AMATEUR S&M SHORT STORY ) (A LEADING SEA-MAN'S STORY OF THE STRICT DISCIPLINE OF THE WRENS AT SEA IN THE EARLY 1950s) This is the story of Ordinary Sea-woman Susan Pryde ,a fabulous bleached bl
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III I must say, the obvious purpose of the unfolding bunch of brown mohair did appeal to me under the circumstances and I voluntarily lifted my head while the party got thrilled by this new turn. Shan diligently pushed the thick, soft balaclava over
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Sex with Hunter Part 2

Sex with Hunter: Part 2 Enjoy. After I heard him get out, I knew what I wanted to do. I got dressed and went downstairs. He was sitting on the couch watching a movie. "Whatcha watching?" I asked. "Nothing." He said. He standed up, turned off th
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Good Girls Will

Carol impatiently glanced at her watch again as she paced about in the living room. She hoped she wouldn't have to be here for too long; she had taken off from work to be home so some men could inspect their fireplace and let them know if it needed
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Wet and Wild

What could be better than Atlanta in the summer, having a cookout with your friends, chilling in the backyard, and having a ole good time? My crew is ranked high up on the roster of the who's who of the Black Urban Professionals who have migrated
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Candy for Breakfast

CANDY FOR BREAKFAST: A BADBOY COWBOY CAMPFIRE TALE By Sterling Priest I have quite a few favorite hobbies or habits, depending on who you ask. Next to sex, traveling is my favorite hobby. I live for vacations, holidays, weekends, and any other
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Timmy’s New Job continued

Timmy was squeaky clean and drenched, much to his disgust, with a girly perfume. Timmy was taken to another room full of bright lights, make up, and extremely erotic lingerie. Mary unhand cuffed Timmy, then the other four girls forcibly strapped Timm
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You just never know

This happened this summer. Ten years ago, I had major reconstuctive neck surgery, and I see him every three months for pain management and followupS. He hires alot of nurse practitioners, this is about one of them. I'm a 41 year old single man from B
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Timmy’s New Job

Timmy reread the ad, as the bus roared up the hill and diesel fumes wafted through the open window to upset his already nervous stomach. Wanted, a personal servant to attend to my every need. Must be a male with boyish looks, at least 18, but no olde
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