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Lisa’s First Session

The cab pulls up to the stairway in front of the condominium complex. As Lisa looks out the window she feels her heart pounding wildly with anticipation. She has arrived at last! It has been a long day. An hour drive to the airport had been followed
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Dream 2

I turn on my laptop to see if you are are and it take's me a few minutes to get the courage to type to you...i finaly type and ask you are you sitting down as i have somthing to tell reply yes i am why do i ask...i type that i
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More Cousins

[In compliance with this website the author affirmatively states that all characters depicted in this story are at least 18 years of age.] Most of my cousins were much younger than me, all except my cousin Johnny. He and I had always been close at
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Sleepaway Camp Part 9

[In compliance with this website the author affirmatively states that all characters depicted in this story are at least 18 years of age.] Sure enough in the morning we were both so exhausted we never heard Sergeant Dick's rapping at our cab
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Sleepaway Camp Part 8

[In compliance with this website the author affirmatively states that all characters depicted in this story are at least 18 years of age.] Soon enough Tiffany was up to her old tricks. She'd set up something called, "glory holes" in one of
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Escort Surprise

It was dark with a slight chill in the air Joe could sense the beat of his heart resounding in his ears there Jasmine was lying on the bed her skin shimmering against the soft candle light he always liked the light from one candle but only one. In hi
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