What a Waist
I am standing at one of the floor-to-ceiling windows in Sara's living room, a cup of strong, sweet Turkish coffee in my hands, my forehead against the pane, watching the stars come out. The western horizon is indigo; the rest of the sky has alread
Her First Video Shoot
First video shoot
Paul and Karen walked arm in arm down the street. They were returning from another photo shoot for Karen's web site. The site had come about after one of their weekend hotel breaks, during a particularly erotic session Pau
surprised part 1
Jon and I just got to his house, we walked in no one is there. Jon looks at me and I look at him with a funny face and start laughing. Jon grabs me by the shoulders and pins me up against the wall, starts frenching kissing me and rubbing his hands al
My wife Cindy, and I (by the way my name is Mike) sometimes like to get away from the same old boring routine around the house.
It was a cool Saturday afternoon so Cindy said it would be a nice day for a drive.
Cindy went to change out of her wor
Cathy’s Fantasy chapter 9
Joan didn't return for several hours and I remained alone in the apartment thinking about the events of the day and admiring myself in the mirror--decked out in that sexy red dress, high heels, and makeup. Denny and the crew were long gone but the ta
Hello Dear, You Ready for a Surprise
Hello Dear, Ready for a Surprise?
By nightseeker67
I looked at myself in the mirror turning from side to side. Hmmm, is this gonna be good enough for my surprise for my dear husband. I sigh and study myself critically in the mirror and decided
Pool Hall Buddy
The first time we met we had answered an ad on craigslist in our search for a partner to add to our already awesome sex life.
We agreed to meet at a local pub where we play pool and enjoy a beer or two. We arrived first and had settled in when h
Sarah takes a job at the rugby clubhouse
Sarah had been living at university for 3 months now and it was taking a while to adjust to the fact that no one knew her. No one knew that she was a cum loving horny girl. Sarah had a huge fetish for clothed orgies with rugby guys and since moving a
bonnie starts something
it all began one sunday morning after i had got off work, i was working graveyard. was living with my sister tina who had just left her fourth husband. i walked in the house to find that my other sister and a niece were there waiting for me. i was ti