Sexual Camaraderie
He is a bad man, he is so bad he is so good, he is a sexual--sensual bad man, a boy he is not. It is not just sex, I mean like, a good part of it is sex, I mean he is really good at sex but the main part is he got into my mind with his prose of poet
She Should Have Been On Time
Hey all, this is the first story I have posted here and is also the first story I have written in quite some time, Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks and enjoy.
As the beautiful, young blonde unlocked
The Ass Watcher
The Ass Watcher
Two Points of view
There are several points of view through which world can be observed. Some may be legitimate, views you don't have to be ashamed of,others definetely illegal, to keep absolutely hidden. Despite my obses
Returning Home Away From Home
Returning Home Away From Home.
She was 21 and had been away from home for two years when she called to ask if she could come to stay for a few days, and then was meeting her boyfriend at the airport to go east for her first trip to the Big Apple.
True Tales of a Salesman
Tales of a Salesman 1
It was just another routine sales call on one of my favorite department store buyers. She was probably among the friendliest of all of my buyers. It was always a little joking, playful double entendres and always a nice order
A Day At the Beach
Day at the Beach
We had carefully walked down the very narrow path from the high bluff to the beach below. The waves were crashing in and the winds were high as they always are on this stretch of the PCH. She made me promise to take her to a nude
Breakfast with Judy
Breakfast with Judy
Authors Note: I've always had the sex drive of a 20 year old, but time and ageing take their toll. So it was beyond surprising to have an encounter with this delectable mature woman. This is the true story of this sexual enco
Stan and Stacey fantasize about Cock
`Stan and Stacey fantasize about Cock.
My name is Stan. I'm 35 and happily married to beautiful sexy wife Stacey. A couple of years ago, we were in bed about to get dirty with each other which usually involved fantasizing about other girls whi
My Sister and Miss Jones III
My Sister and Miss Jones III
As I waited for Clair, my sister, to arrive on the third night I kept thinking about room 4 with men only. This is something I knew to do I would need as many drinks in me as possible. I made up my mind to do it and g