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My Girlfriend Is The Perfect Dame

My girlfriend is the perfect dame, Soundarya Kothari is her name. How does she look I must tell. Oh, I adore her and I must tell. That she is the girl most beautiful, with black hair ample and bountiful. My girlfriend is the perfect dame
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Frustrated Jennie

Jennie Jones woke up very horny. Her husband had been away for 4 days and she's had no cock since then, she'd used every toy in her box and although they got her there she still yarned for the real thing. She had been married to John for 5 yea
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Cherry Hill Chapter 5

"So tell me, Matt, why is it that you came to see me?" Pastor O'Malley asked kindly. "Well Pastor, I just get the feeling, that there aren't any good people left in our neighborhood. You know, everyone's like sleeping around and prostituting for
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Cherry Hill Chapter 4

Jordan Edwards sighed, he tossed the letter in the bin and went back to viewing the snapshots Lascelle had sent him. The female swim team looked as delicious as warm pie ala mode. He'd paid out a wad of cash to arrange for the eight members of the t
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Cherry Hill Chapter 3

Giles Krest awoke to first the feeling, then the sound, of a pair of lips racing on his rigid cock, giving him a sloppy blow job. He didn't need to open his eyes to know the tongue begging cum from his balls was his foreign exchange daughter, Axelia.
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Cherry Hill Chapter 2

Neci Meyers, lifted her large floppy hat from her head and wiped her sweaty brow, though it was still pretty early for the sun to be beating down on someone and making them sweat. Neci had been working since the sun first started to peak above the ho
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Cherry Hill Chapter 1

The subtle breeze of the early summer morning brought the scent of freshly mowed grass through the screened windows of the O'Connor home. The sound of birds chirping in the early morning light mingled softly with the sounds of the neighborhood awa
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me n dad

i live in a fair sized town. not real big but not small. my dad owns a store here and mom is a dental assistant. so they're both gone during the day till about 5:30. i have a friend i'll call billy. he moved here about a year ago. just down the
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the hypnotist

He was on business in South Africa sitting in his hotel afraid to go out with all the violent he had heard about in the country. Being a white male in a country mostly of black men made him fear for his life. Ron walked down to the front desk and ask
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