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My very own sugar Daddy

My very own sugar daddy I sat back stage waiting my turn to dance. It was a gay bar and lots of horny men wanting some young guy to take home with him; the trouble was I wasn't young. Sure I had a great body slim smooth more fem then anything, and
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Not the maid, part three

Massimo pushed his chair back and spread his legs. "So you want starters? Beg for it". There I stood in a restaurant, dressed like a whore and I had to beg? I hated the look on his face, so smug, so self assured. No warning came when he hit me ha
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Hot Summer Days and Nights Chapter 2

Hot Summer Days and Nights Chapter 2 As soon as I woke the next morning I knew that it would be a good day after last night. I could not get the image of Uncle Buddy's big dick out of my head. As I went down stairs, I noticed that Jill was al
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Hot Summer Days and Nights

Hot Summer Days and Nights What a drag, thought Kara "Why do I need to spend my summer baby-sitting my 58 year old great uncle. Kara has just been informed by her parents that she had to spend her summer vacation helping her uncle and his frie
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lesson one

She looked at her reflection in the bathroom mirror and thought to herself I'll show him, she was thinking about the conversation that she had overheard the following evening when she had come home from work. She was earlier than normal due to the
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Not the maid, part 2

"You're not going anywhere", Massimo said, as he dragged me along into the garden. He pushed me against a wall. "Please Massimo", I whispered, afraid anyone might hear us. He slapped me in the face. "Who allowed you to use my name, you litt
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