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Morning Motions

I awake early that morning, rays of bright sunshine slanting through the blinds' parsed divisions, pressing invadingly against my closed eyelids. I stir and yawn languidly, reaching out with a probing hand beside me, expecting to encounter your sleep
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submitting to master

It was time. It was time for me to suck it all in and do what I wanted no… no… what I needed to do. I finally had a man who wanted me. Who wanted me to be his slave? Sure I would have to suck and fuck all of his friends but that was a goo
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Date Night

It was date night, her date night. A ritual that she had; once a month she had committed herself to enjoy an evening alone. No friends, no family, no acquaintances, no one. she was to be alone and just be, be herself or someone else if she desired
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Woman with no family seeks a companion. All expenses paid plus extras. Interview required to determine qualifications. M/F Ms Deenie didn't have long to wait before the calls started pouring in. She had already. dismissed several just by the sound
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Sometimes its Even Better

I know...just about everybody thinks that meeting with someone that you meet online is risky to say the least. I have heard all the horror stories. But I am here to tell you my story. This happened a little over eight years ago... I wasn't looking f
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