I was visiting Canada and I decided to travel from Vancouver to Toronto by train…
Mister Steal Yo Girl: Your Brother Steals Your Big-Boobed Girlfriend and Makes You Watch Them Have Sex
My name is Brody. My brother and I are 21 years old. He’s my twin brother but he’s taller, stronger, more handsome, much more confident, charming, and has always had a way with the ladies. His name is JT. Everything he has, I don’t have. JT has a body that can go for miles, he’s got stamina. He’s also has a lengthy muscular penis. Doctors would tell us by our Freshman year of High School that JT had exceptional circulation to his extremities. A counselor once analyzed me and found out that JT lowering my confidence and emasculating me through middle school was what caused me to develop acne, dandruff, a weak penis and a cracking voice. JT on the other hand siphoned off the energy and only boosted his testosterone so that by high school, while I was gawky, nerdy, weak and unconfident, JT was this tall, barrel chested magnificent steed with bass drums for pecs and a massive head of thick shining golden hair flowing back and down like a rockstar.
I stood sulking in the steamy damp garage as I witnessed Fabiana staring so intently and focused on the rhythmic drum beat of his pecs as her blood surged with sex and hormones, her eyes filling her mind with erotic imagery of the Alpha Bull manly-beast before her, using his pecs to pump iron as he earned sex with the woman who had really big boobs.
She had never been with a man like him before and she certainly wasn’t with a real man now. But every part of her adult mind recognized the tell-tale signs before her: this man was great, had what she needed, and what she always wanted while the man she was with could never measure up to his far superior manhood.
Kelsey began to sneer and slander me in front of both Fabiana and JT, pointing my inadequacies as a man compared to my brother. I whined a response of pseudo moralistic virtue signaling that sounded like a bitch. Fabiana looked at me with this disgusted, shaming, stand-offish look
Fabiana then put me in my place by comparing my shameful manhood to my brother’s, she convicted me of being a jealous of how “hot and sexy your brother is….Big bouncing pecs, glistening with the sweat of hard work. He works out. He’s constantly pumping iron…that’s so sexy.
And we both know you’re lame in the sac. He’s already said it: He’s the Alpha Male, you’re the Beta Male. You couldn’t even stop him from stealing your woman – you know why? Because he’s dominant. He gets what he wants and he takes it from you anytime he wants. And God, it’s so hot. I see how it humiliates you…emasculates you in front of your girlfriend. Kelsey added on, commenting that she bets I’m “so lame in the sac and that JT had some really hot pecs!” Fabiana laughed and grinned in agreement.
JT stood, muscular legs supporting the build of his upper body as his broad shoulders and bulging pecs pumped steel and weight through the air. Massive slabs of muscle and meat protruded off his golden bronzed chest, moving up and down as testosterone flowed throughout his whole body. Fabiana sweated drops of pure exhilaration as she consciously made the decision to choose him as a sexual partner over me.
He got so much circulation to his extremities, as did my girlfriend which both of their bodies so hot. Her big bouncing boobs swelled with blood and oxytocin as JT listened to Hot Blooded. My cock and balls felt so humiliated as my woman creamed over my best friend. She stood facing me, as I stood awkwardly, my skinny chicken legs gangly and somewhat crossed. She stood tall with her long powerful legs, thick smooth thighs glistening with sweat as was her whole body from her hourglass hips up to her bulbous and voluptuous chest. Both of their nipples began to stick out as they built a sexual energy.
I could feel it as I became both anxious and very very aroused. She looked down on me with her sexy dark eyes, big boobs, and raised eyebrows as she said, “His Pecs…are huge…”
“Brody, I’m leaving you for your brother. He’s so much sexier, he’s got a big ‘ol dick, plus he’s just a massively manly man with a muscular chest and manly nipples.” Fabiana slowly began to take steps toward JT. I had the sickest feeling all day that things would come to this. My brother, maintaining the serious look on his face, bent to the side to set down the weight stacked press bar. This demonstrated to me that he purposely set up the garage to be like this so that this would happen to me. My brother wanted this to happen to me and he wanted to personally do it to me. He made sure to demonstrate to my girlfriend how robust and masculine his pecs are by slowly and thoroughly pumping weights. He managed to sync his phone to the speaker before I could so that he could loudly play classic rock of the 1970’s in order to kickstart the sexual vibe. He also heated the place like a sauna so that the blood would flow throughout his and her sexual systems. But when she stood just inches before him, he stood tall like a man….wide stance, chin up, hair flipped back, nostrils flared, chest out and large brown nipples dripping with sweat from hard work. The curves and lines on Fabiana’s back were so sexy as I watched in despair. I asked, I pleaded if they couldn’t do this today. It was already established in everybody’s minds what was going to happen: I was going to be cuckolded as I watched my sexy boobalicious hot girlfriend get stolen away by my brother again while I had to watch like a Beta Cuck. He looked down to his left side where there was a Vinyl disc of all of his most sexual favorite classics. I asked her if she wanted to listen to a song while we hung out in the garage still trying to avert my submission. But Fabiana said, “No…I think we need to listen to this.” JT then flared his piercing eyes wide open as he intimidated me with a malicious grin of cruel intent. Magic Man began to play. She slid her hands down the curvature of his chest muscles and tilted her head back, moaning as her womanly body could feel the amplitude of sexual energy rise with the music. Fabiana then unhooked her tight lace bikini letting her oily shining heavy brown boobies undulate before JT. He grabbed her erotically around the back feeling the contours of her fit body. She shook her thick layers of luscious black hair in a motion of hot sexual arousal. She looked back at me in my pathetic state as I compared to the Alpha Male. I was so humiliated and emasculated. My brother began to pump his pecs up and down as he stared deeply into my soul with a glare of sheer piercing intimidation. Making such womanly, and devious eye contact with JT, Fabiana said, “Feel ’em up, Baby, they’re all yours…” I couldn’t stand it. I was watching while my brother was getting to feel up Fabiana and her massive titties. Those voluptuous bulbs of soft skin and plush mammary slipped and slid around in his hands as his palms supported the weight of her heavy juicy fruits from the nipples. I fell on all fours whimpering. JT then gave me an Alpha Command of submission with smoldering intensity saying, “Shut the Fuck up! I swear to God when I get over there, you gettin’ three – no five switches!” I lowered the volume of my whimper in submission to his authority. Fabiana cried out and moaned with pleasure how much she loved that my brother could control my actions.
They made out wiping their smooth, hot naked bodies together before JT started bossing me around to turn Her on. “You fuckin put your head in this toilet! You lowly bow your head in humiliation while I make you slurp some butt custard like I did when you were a little kid!” As much as Fabiana liked that, which turned me on, I protested. JT walked over to me on all fours lifted me with an emasculating wedgie and gave a good toilet swirly in front of my hot girlfriend. I gargled it like a cuckold.