I was visiting Canada and I decided to travel from Vancouver to Toronto by train…
Helping James
I heard the back door click. Katy was home.
“Hi mum,” she called from the kitchen.
“Hi dear,” I replied from the lounge.
“Mum, would it be ok for James to stay over?”
I turned my head to see a tall, skinny, mousy haired teenager in the corner. He was quite drunk. A typical boy of 18.
“I suppose so. I mean, we can hardly send him home to his own mother in that state can we?” I said sarcastically.
“Great mum. I’ll make a bed up in the spare room.”
“OK dear,” I replied. “At least he’ll be near the bathroom should he need it.”
My name is Sue, by the way. I was 30 years old when Katy was born and it had been difficult raising her alone, but I’d done my best. I’d trained as a teacher. I’d got myself a good job and I’d kept myself fit. Being blonde, slim and petite I shouldn’t have had any trouble attracting men but there hadn’t been many. Men would come and go and often I found myself in the position of provider rather than allowing my own needs to be met.
At 5am the following morning, I found myself checking on the kids. The sun had just risen when I checked on Katy. She was sound asleep. I then went to check on James. I couldn’t help but chuckle when I entered the spare room. In a drunken frenzy, James had thrown his bed sheets to the floor and was laying completely uncovered. Then, as I walked towards him to pick up the sheets, I noticed something that I hadn’t seen from the doorway. James was completely naked and was displaying quite a large erection. Quickly I looked away, not knowing what to do. I tried to cover him but to my horror his penis brushed my hand. I felt sure he’d wake but he didn’t. It must have been the hangover.
As I stood over James and looked down at his nakedness, all I could feel was a mother’s responsibility. His young body lay uncovered, exposing his soft pale skin while his slim smooth legs lay wide apart. It gave him an enormous sense of vulnerability.
“Poor soul,” I thought to myself. “What a state to find yourself in.”
But how could I help?
Well, I was a mother. I was someone who could care for him and I was someone who understood, so maybe I could do something for James after all.
Quietly I knelt beside him and took his penis in my hand. It was rigid and his foreskin was tight and retracted. I suspected he’d been rubbing it in the night as it looked swollen and painful. As I took it in my hand James turned his head and moaned.
“There there, dear,” I said softly as I stroked his brow. “There there, my sweet.”
James woke gently and gazed into my eyes. I smiled softly and began to masturbate him. Without words or protest James accepted my hand and rather quickly his breath rate increased. He wriggled a little on the bed so I steadied his hips and bottom with my free hand. Then I watched for a few seconds as my bright red nail varnish moved along his shaft. It was a beautiful experience. The thought that I was able to pleasure this young man was such a turn on for me and I desperately wanted to help him cum.
James whimpered a little as I rubbed him, so I comforted him with kisses and kind words. Then eventually, after not too long, his whimpers turned to silence. James gazed deep into my eyes as he came, and at that moment I myself felt a fantastic rush. As he trembled in my arms, I assured James that everything was fine and if he ever needed me in the future, he only had to call.
(Image Source: Forbidden Fruits Films)