I was visiting Canada and I decided to travel from Vancouver to Toronto by train…
A Dicey Situation
Hey folks! I found a few minutes to post again. I think of this site as my “true confessions.” Lol. Besides that…beats telling a priest, eh? I appreciate all the emails you’ve sent, and I’m truly sorry I can’t respond to each and every one. But do keep sending them–I read them all. Mentioning emails, well electronic anything, this is actually how my next adventure happened. Nice segue, huh?
A long time ago, in a city probably far far away from you folks, we got screwed by one of those big box electronic stores. The one that has the so called “nerd” staff–put on your thinking caps, you’ll know who I’m referring to. So my husband, who has a short fuse and won’t let anyone get the best of him, found us another outlet: a little independent electronic store that focuses on computers, but has nifty other gadgets as well. Great bunch of people there. We had been doing biz with them for years and years. So much so, that we knew all the staff on a personal basis. Heck, around the holidays I’d take ’em homemade baked goods. So you can imagine how I felt “betrayed” upon a recent visit.
One day my P.O.S. laptop started acting goofy. My husband dropped it off at the store to have the repair techs give it a look-see. I figured it’d be a quick clean up and update–all those essential things that I neglect to do. After a few hours of having it in their possession, one of the techs called. He needed a password to check some files. Most everything on my computer then was password encrypted. I rambled off the needed passwords and didn’t give a thought about it. A couple of days later, I was notified that it was ready and I swung by there on the way home. Arriving 15 minutes before they closed, I was greeted by the manager and told to talk to Jerry since he was the tech assigned to my computer. Finding Jerry in the back of the store, he came around and handed me my laptop. Turning it on, the machine moved like a champ; it was like a super computer versus the sluggish thing it was before. I immediately paid and left the shop.
The next day, I was checking my emails and there was one from Jerry. After reading it, I wished my spam folder would have taken it, chewed it up, and spit it in a landfill. OMFG! It was a huge file and took forever to open, but I almost spat out my coffee when the video appeared. He had created a video message to me. Essentially, he informed me that I was being blackmailed. He had looked through my entire computer. He found those hidden pics and videos of me in all my indiscretions, noticing that my husband wasn’t in any of them. He made comments regarding my body, what he would do to it, and that I had no choice but to oblige. He held up pictures as proof that he had the so-called evidence. Told me he would show my husband and the staff of the store if I didn’t comply. I felt humiliated and disgusted. He is not the most pleasant looking man. He towers above me by a foot or so, and so big…OMG! He could be a grizzly bear. At least, Wolfman Jack’s long lost cousin. Ewwwwww.
I tell you now, I was a nervous wreck. I actually had to take a day off from work to get my thoughts together. All this time I had been careful to cover my tracks; at least I had thought so. I thought about turning this over to the authorities, and actually drove to the police station to file a complaint. Then logic set in: if I made a complaint, I’d open a Pandora’s box and everything I had ever done will come to light. I sat in my car trembling in fear. I remember thinking that if he was at least cute, I’d go through with his plan. I just sat there, shell-shocked. I promptly left the police station to get me some wine, all I wanted to do was get drunk and forget this day. I went home, drank until the bottles–yes, plural–were empty, and lounged around. My intoxication and despair led to loneliness, which led to me breaking down in tears. I had to snap out of it and figure a way out of this mess. My husband would be home in a few hours and I decided I would confess. By that time, I decided I better sober up so I started a pot of coffee and got in the shower. I hoped both would help me regain all my faculties for what would be a long night. As the water cascaded over me, it was hitting spots only a woman can appreciate. This is what I needed to help me calm down. I arched back against the shower wall, and let the water just hit me there. It was driving me insane. I writhed and wriggled as the shower head massaged my pussy. The jets of water doing their job as I enjoyed the benefits. Then it happened–my thoughts turned to my nemesis, Jerry. I’ll tell you right now, among all the thoughts of what I should do, the shower, his video mail and what he would do to me…I had one intense orgasm. Was it my need to get off? Was it a release I needed for clarity? Was it my body just giving in? After coming down off that high, I decided I would give in and let him have his way with me. To me, it was the lesser of two evils. I couldn’t believe what I was about to do; he is so not my type. I figured it would be a quick blowjob and done. Wrapped in a towel, I dashed to my computer to reply back that I’d give him what he wants. I prayed and prayed that my email would find its way in his spam folder. A girl can wish, right?
The rest of my week was back to normal. I came to grips with what I had to do to squash this ordeal, but I was numb. I felt broken and uncaring. Wanted it all to go away. That’s why I got frustrated when I hadn’t heard back from him. Two weeks had gone by and not a word. I started to feel slighted. He was gonna get sex, probably for the first time in a year, and he hasn’t replied back. Sheesh. I should have been relieved, I should have been glad this wasn’t going to happen. I wasn’t…What the hell is wrong with me. FUCK!!!!! To this day, I don’t know why I was aggravated by his slow response. Going on a month and finally hear back from him. Guess it’s finally time to get this over with.
I got a quick note from him to call his cell. Following his instructions, I rang him up and he gave me further information: where to meet, what to wear, etc. I was told to meet him at a sleazy, dirty, no-tell-motel outside of Dallas. Um, NO!!! That was my response. I won’t step foot there; though I had all my shots and I’m clean as a whistle, I won’t go near that place. I suggested his home (turns out he lives with his parents. OMG what a winner). Let me give you a description of what I was up against…big, burly, white guy over six feet tall; shaggy beard and hair, glasses that the 70’s don’t want back; mid-30’s and lives with his folks. Geez Louise. So I told him there’s a local park, with a few turn outs, that we can meet at. Was advantageous for me because I figured I’d suck him off, jump back in my car, and haul ass out. He relented and said he would meet me there just after dark. I took an extended lunch break to run home and get this camisole he wanted me to wear–red lace, frilly, sexy with heels. Tucked everything in a back pack and went back to work. I called my husband to tell him I was working late, then had some errands I needed to tend to when I got off. That bought me two hours, when I was hoping I only needed 30 minutes. At quitting time, I put the lingerie on under my clothing and went to get a bite to eat. I went to the park, found a table, and munched my food as the sun set. Just as I was taking my last sip, my cell rang. He was there across the park, in a different parking area than I was. So, begrudgingly, I drove to him. As I drove, I was peeling away my outer wear; I wanted this over quick.
I found his car, pulling up next to him. I hopped out of my car and got in his, and there we were: face to face. Big bear and Little Red Riding Ho. He moved closer and tried to kiss me; I wasn’t having that. He reeked of cigarette smoke, and I hate that smell. I said, “Let’s get it over with,” as my hands found their way to his crotch. I feigned interest and nuzzled around his cheek and neck, my hands roving his body. My right hand moving around his cock, feeling it rise in his pants. I trembled with fear. Getting caught by the police was my first thought. But to perform for this guy, yikes. I didn’t know what was worse. Fumbling for his belt buckle and zipper, I was immediately caught off guard. I was staring at one gorgeous cock; it was massive–think of a Redbull can and then add another half. For a man who isn’t attractive whatsoever, he was blessed. I instinctively wrapped my mouth around it and gave him a suck job until my jaw ached. He barely twitched. I bobbed and bobbed, gagged, and spat. I couldn’t breathe, tears welling in my eyes as he attempted to face fuck me. Still, barely a sensation. I know when a guy is about to cum, and let me say this…either he has amazing willpower or is highly insensate. I was working him over with my lips and tongue while his hands fondled my boobs and caressed my skin. Still no where near a climax. I, however, was getting horny. I jumped up, barked, “Come on,” and got out of the car. My panties were saturated with my juices, and I literally ripped them off of me….. RIP panties.
Remembering those cheesy videos of the 8O’s, I seductively crawled across the hood of his car, finalizing with my face planted on the hood, and my ass up in the air. On my tip toes and in the prostrate position, I was willingly giving him my pussy. Of course, him being virgin-esque, he was missing the mark. I reached back, gripped his cock, and guided him in. He hammered and hammered me, pumped, and pushed. I had 1-2-3 orgasms before he came. He grabbed me by my hair, pulled me back , and emptied himself in me. We both collapsed; panting, gasping for air. Shaking from the orgasms, a part of me was sad it ended. We said our parting words and he headed off. I stayed around for a bit to dry out and change. My legs were weak and my pussy was sore. I put my daily clothes back on and tucked the rest of my lingerie back in the backpack. I shook as I put my keys in the ignition. The drive home, I was in a daze. Suddenly I wanted a cigarette…..
When I got home, I got a text, “So did u like it? :-)”
I replied, “Was ok.”
He replied, “That bad, huh?”
I replied, “No, not bad. Just not long enough.”
He replied, “My cock not long enuff?”
I replied, “No, silly. You and I didn’t have much time.”
He replied, “Are you asking to be my girlfriend and to do this more?”
I replied, “I’m married, hunny, I can’t be your girlfriend.”
He replied, “:-(”
I replied, “But I will fuck you any time, any place…is that OK?”
His response was, “OMG. Yes!!!!!!!!”
I remember asking myself, what have I just done? Looking down at him as he’s eating my pussy while I type this, I know now what I did.
Since then we have been regular sexual partners, from quickies to long sessions. I’ve introduced him to eroticism rather than dirty sex. We’ve made videos and taken photos…and no you people can’t see them :-}~ I will say he’s eager to learn and I’m all too happy to teach him.
Well gotta run. Gonna ride his cock before my husband gets home.
If anything to be taken away from this ordeal: never, ever, ever judge a book by it’s cover. I know I will never again.
Y’all know what to do…comments, concerns, questions….email me
(Image Source: Elegant Angel)
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