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Paper Route

Paper Route

When I was 13 years old one of my friends, Pete, asked me to take his paper route for a
month so he could go to summer camp. He said he would pay me $5.00 a week and I
could also keep the net income from the route for thos
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Kim's Friend Tammy

Chapter Forty: Kim's Friend Tammy

Following our Sunday evening encounter, Kim and I made plans to get together again on Wednesday after she got off work at Drug Mart. Early Wednesday evening, I got a call from Kim. She said, "I'm sorry B
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The New Suit

This is just a short story about an interesting experience I had a few weeks ago. First I should explain that I have always been a bit anti-gay. I had not hated them or anything, but I was always sort of intolerant of them. I never would have done
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