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double trouble

it was on a friday night that my hormones started to rage i was home watching a music video when i realised that one of the girls had no panties on and she had such a fat pussy, that just turned me on immediatly, thats when i started to feel creamy b
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My name is Galieni and I am a Wood Elf. No, I don't have any relatives that know Santa Claus and yes, elves do exist. We have many races but you need only know about mine own. I am basically human except I have pointed ears and eyesight that is
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fun with a friend

My wife and i have been married for 11 yrssex has been very good for us but now has gotten better.While in school my wife had dated a guy before me and never got intamentwith him.since then this guy has become a very good friend of mine.he had broke
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Couple picks up sexy stranger

We finally had a chance for a night out,My husband and I that is. We had been working really hard lately and were in need of some fun. We decided to check out a new local band that was playing at a nearby nightclub. I had a plan to look very sexy so
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I am a pure blood. I know many of you have seen Hermophrodites on television, some may actually know one, but I am different. It all started centuries ago in ancient Greece when the gods ruled... My grandmother was a beautiful woman. She was pe
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