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Saving The Prince

William was tired of it all. He felt trapped going from table to table and talking to boring, uptight people who only wanted to speak with him since he was a prince. Pretty rich girls dressed in beautiful designer dresses gathered around him giggling
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She Was My Ward by Screw3

The king still had the clothes he wore under his armor when he entered the sick room where I was confined. "Gregory, no don't try to rise. Your getting the pox was convenient for me, and for You. You were not there to lead his army in rebellion again
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First Time

Krysta stood before her closet throwing articles of clothing every which way.
"Oooh! Where is it?!" She exclaimed in exasperation as she threw yet another shirt to the side. Everything had to be perfect. With any luck, this could very well be
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Jess and Mike

Jess and her father were sort of distant since Mikes wife died.

Mike wanted them to be close. First of all Jess is 13, 110 pds, 5'1" and 36C nice tits.

One day Mike had a Tim, and Matt over to watch the Phillies game on the big screen.
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