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Abandoned Ch. 03

"I think I really screwed things up," Lucinda said to Joy as they ate lunch the next afternoon.

"Why do you say that?"

Lucinda sighed. "Because, I made the first move and kissed him."

Joy smirked. "Well is he gay or what?"<br
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Abandoned Ch. 02

Jake woke up the next morning very early. He had hardly slept the night before. He was too excited about going out with Lucinda. Now he'd be able to ask more questions and maybe get more information about her. He was sure she was his mother but he wa
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Abandoned Ch. 01

Jake Morgan had everything an 18-year-old young man would like to have. He had two great parents, a nice car, and excellent grades. There was always one thing lacking from his life that he wanted to be sure and find; his biological mother.

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