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The best time of my life

It all started when my friend picked me up at 3 in the afternoon. She asked my dad if I could go stay the night with her that night, this is New Years Eve mind you, and he said go. So I went upstairs and grabbed my pajamas and a new set of clothes an
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Sweet Sixteen

Sweet Sixteen

On the eve of my 16th birthday, my best friend spent the night. My birthday is in July, so it didn't matter the day. We thought my parents would trust us to not check up on us like we're kids.

We ordered some Chinese f
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4th anniversary

It was their 4th dating anniversary on october 29.
They're so deeply in love.
They entered Hajan's room.
"Happy anniversary, babe" said Hajan.
Ruon smiled at him,"I love u" she said.

He stepped over to her and looked into her eye
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Meteor Shower

Chris set his sparkling glass of Zinfandel down on the brick-and-concrete rim of the spa. Across from him, his wife did the same. They'd heard on the news that they might be able to see bits of the Leonid Meteor Shower tonight, so they'd slip
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My Friend 2

My friend's sister got up, and began putting her clothes back on when I told her to stop. I quickly grabbed my friend and threw her onto the couch. She was ready to fight back when I dropped my pants, pulled out my cock and slammed it into her mout
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My Friend's Sister 1

"Okay, I'll pick you up in half an hour" I said.
"Sounds good see u then."
At two minutes to seven I knocked on my friend's door. Her sister answered it and invited me in. She told me her sister would be a little while longer because she got ca
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