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Hey, David here. I've got another Study Fucker story for you. This time I bang Jeanette Ulahmed.
But first, my usual background info. I'm a student at Wayne State University on a Basketball scholarship. I have
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Jack And Stace Meet

My name is Jack and this story is about a girl I met through a friend that turned out to be very kinky and fun.

My friend Rob introduced me to a girl named Stace it was his girlfriends sister we only spoke online and had never met in person.
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I stand looking at the door in front of me, I hold my bag tight in my hands and take a deep breath as I work up the courage to knock. The door opens sooner than I expect and I feel my stomach turn over as I stand looking at you, it's been a long tim
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It started the same way it always does. We were sitting inches away from each other on the couch, the guys egging us on. We giggled and tried not to look at each other as we leaned in for that first kiss. It lasted all of 10 completely silent seconds
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The Show

"Gentlemen!" his voice boomed into the small auditorium, filled to capacity with about 60 or so men

making the audience for the evening's performance. "Tonight, we have a special treat for you to witness.

Tonight, gentlemen, w
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