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Afternoon Delight

I slept restlessly thinking of yesterday at the office. It was the most erotic scene I have ever witnessed. Always having secret longings to have my boss at least grab my ass, but no advances ever came. The absent-minded stares he would give me or th
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Ryan pushed the heavy cart containing at least on hundred books down the narrow library aisles, stopping occasionally to return the volumes to their proper place. To most people rummaging around a bunch of dusty books and periodicals would be a chore
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On the Job Benefits

My wife, Karen, is a beautiful woman with a dynamite body. The first thing men notice about Karen are her large breasts, which are "D" cups and look out of proportion on her otherwise slim, petite body. When I first met Karen she was heavier and v
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The Punishment

The Punishment by AbbieNormal We met in the office some years back. M. was an independent contractor and my boss' company was the mainstay of his business at the time. He was tall (6'6"), very lean and well muscled, a young Mexican man, darkly
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