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Hi friends, Just a quick reminder post from your editors. We love reading your stories, and want to publish as much as we can. So, to make our review process easier please remember these guidelines: Your story will only be…

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Fantasies Hacked

Fantasies was hit by a script that installed malware on our servers. It took advantage of "timthumb.php" which was used in our theme. We've corrected the problem and removed the offensive code. Here is a malware removal tool from Microsoft:…

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Story Quality and Categories

As we continue to make improvements to fantasies we're going to also start requiring a certain level of quality to the stories. This doesn't mean they have to be perfectly written or grammatically perfect.   The stories do need to: be readable;…

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Picking a Category

When selecting a category for your story you should consider the overall theme of your story.

We’ll be removing categories and refining the existing ones to try and better frame the site.


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Welcome to the new Fantasies

We've moved everything over to be running on new servers and a new content management system. The styling isn't quite finished, but the functionality and options included are pretty good. If you have any questions about how to do anything…

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