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Anal sex stories including Adult anal sex, Finger ass play, Anal sex toys, First time Anal Sex, and all Anal penetration.

My Trip to Holland cabin

My Trip to Holland
In the cabins
I'm stood looking in the mirror at myself, a strap on dick being, fasten to me by Jude and Pat, they were smiling and touching each other, I was drinking my brandy, when Jude slapped my ass, hard, fuck m
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my trip to Holland

My Trip To Holland
On the boat
The coach pulled along side the boarding area, for passengers. Glancing at the boat, it's like a five story building; I thought to myself. Lights full on ever where, people guiding us into the correct area to ou
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My Trip to Holland

My Trip To Holland
On the coach
I'm really looking forward to my trip to Holland. I've heard so much about how people are more liberated in Holland than we're in the UK. Serina invited me over, for the week-end; saying I can stay with him
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My Dear Prabahmausi

Hi! I am Deepak. I am a True lover of desibaba stories, because they make me horny enough to fuck my sexy wife everyday, sometimes twice in the night. Now for the first time in my life, let me confess about my naughty and romantic acts with my Mausi,
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poor little shrimp dick

anne and carroll were talking shrimp dick was licking claire boots , claire was talking to suzanne, , so did you have stevens massive cock last night , oh was it good for you suzanne, is he coming over tonight, why don,t you make dickless watch, ha h
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Three girls continued

Continued page 2
Three Girls
I turned to Margaret, looked her in the eyes, then she laughed, and said you have to try it Arenas, I love Katrina, and she loves me, nothing in the world could separate us, we have wished for years you would find o
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Three girls

Three Girls
Page 1
We lived in another country, far away from the busy UK, I can remember everything nice and all the scenic places we use to go to during the hot summers. Three girls aged under sixteen living and playing together discovering l
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bi experience 2

BI Experience 2
I will continue with my bi experience with Sam & Tully, who I met in the pub, on a quite night. After being taken to their apartment, having the best Bi experience of my life, I started to wonder what did Tully get out of
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Little Old Annie

I met Annie at a party my friend held over the holidays. She was introduced to me and I extended my hand to say hi. She quickly grabbed my face and kissed me on the lips. I was quite frankly shocked, and then she said, " I should take you home with m
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