The city of Chandigarh is known for its high standards of living of its people,…
Three Wishes
Bree and I were at a vacation rental at the beach with our Great Dane. It was early pre-dawn and I was walking the beach with Duke while Bree laid still asleep exhausted and satiated from our threesome with Duke last night.
I saw an ornate bottle with a sealed top that had washed up on the beach with the tide. It looked very old and expensive, strangely it had no marine growth on it. I picked it up marveled by the beauty. There appeared to be a gaseous vapor swirling around in the almost opaque bottle. Suddenly the bottle grew warm and in my startlement I dropped the bottle.
A dense pleasant colorful smoke suddenly swirled around me and began coalescing. The multicolor smoke swirled faster and faster as it began to take shape into a human form. The smoke firmed and took shape into a female body – a very attractive female scantily clad. In my amazement I was struck speechless by the beautiful bodily apparition that was before me.
The apparition grinned at me and with mirth stated
“First time ever seeing a genie?”
“My, what a fine-looking massive dog you have!” as she bent close to rub Duke’s head.
As I watched she placed her head next to Duke’s and with a look of amazement upon her lovely face she suddenly looked at me and then back at Duke.
“My, My, My! What fascinating thing your dog wants to do to me like he does to your wife!”
My mouth slowly dropped open. The genie gave a musical laugh and then said “Oh Yes, genies can understand animals. Well, enough of this before I get carried away! Down to business! You have released me and being the highly educated modern man you are, you already know I will grant you three wishes!”
Slowly, I nodded my head but I could not come up with three wishes that made sense, my thoughts all a jumble with the mystical event that was occurring to me!
The genie looked at me expectantly with mirth. Teasingly she said “most men wish for the same three things; wealth, power and beautiful women. But I can tell you want not for wealth nor for a beautiful woman, your dog Duke has already imparted how beautiful your wife is, and you are exceedingly well-hung, more so than most men!
Suddenly Duke forceful nudged his muzzle directly into the genie’s crotch. The genie laughed musically at Duke’s action but did not push him away, then Duke started swiping his powerful tongue between her thighs. The genie braced herself but also at the same time spread her legs as a look of distraction came over her face and then her look developed into a look of want…
“You better quickly decide on your three wishes before I decide to do something while you make up your mind!” she breathlessly exclaimed with a barely concealed moan…
A lightbulb flashed inside my mind as I watched the genie’s unprotesting movement while Duke busily licked away at the juncture of her thighs, his tongue beginning to slip inside her wide stance.
I know what I want to wish for!
“Then hurry and tell me before I give myself to this magnificent beast!”
My first wish – I wish that all the women that had seen this year’s Superbowl in person and on television would want to repeatedly fuck a dog, pony and donkey, and their girlfriends as well!
My second wish – I wish that all the women that had seen this year’s World Series in person and on television would want to repeatedly fuck a dog, pony and donkey, and their girlfriends as well!
My third wish – I wish that all the women that had seen this year’s World Cup Soccer in person and on television would want to repeatedly fuck a dog, pony and donkey, and their girlfriends as well!
The genie let out a loud gasp – I could not tell what from, my blatant wishes or from Duke’s busily burrowing tongue!
GRANTED! The genie breathlessly whispered as her legs began sagging.
“Oh you are so goood….” she breathlessly husked out – again I could not tell if she was talking about Duke or my wishes….
The genie looked at me with a hunger and a want.
“It is little known fact that I have in my power the ability to grant you more than three wishes if I so desire – be quick!”
Furiously I thought how will I conceive and build upon what I already wished for and then it came to me:
My fourth wish – I wish that all the women that had seen this year’s Wimbledon Tennis Championship in person and on television would want to repeatedly fuck a dog, pony or donkey, and their girlfriends as well!
My fifth wish – I wish that all the women that had seen the most recent Olympic Winter and Summer games in person and on television would want to repeatedly fuck a dog, pony or donkey, and their girlfriends as well!
My final wishes – I wish for world peace, world population control, abundant clean renewable resources, tolerance and elimination of long held taboos… as I glanced directly at Duke.
GRANTED!!! Then the genie led Duke behind the nearest sand dune and I watched as she magically made what scanty clothing she wore disappear, then kneel and Duke mounted her….
Like the old television series “I Dream of Genie”, the genie wound up living with Bree, Duke and I happily ever after….
NOW, can some statistician extrapolate what percentage of the female population in the world would be affected by the first five wishes?!!!