The city of Chandigarh is known for its high standards of living of its people,…
Spies Cum and Go – Ch 7 Back at the Country House
Spies Cum and Go
Ch. 7 Back at the Country House
Erik walks for about 25 minutes and then stops to check his GPS. He is approaching the interrogation site and needs to be extremely cautious. He should be less than half a mile away and is not sure what type of security precautions might exist. As he slowly advances forward, he sees the outline of what is left of a building. He pauses to look for signs of movement. Seeing none, he moves slowly and carefully forward.
He moves in as far as he dares and then waits in the cover of some brush to observe. He can see the stone walls of what used to be a home. The windows are mostly missing although a few shards of glass remain. The roof is completely gone on one end but is still hanging on to a few of the walls in other areas. Small plants grow from various portions of the walls and one small tree shoots out of a window.
It is near dusk and he decides to wait until he has the cover of darkness to move any closer. Erik settles in and his mind wanders. He imagines Hanna, her soft naked body and large, beautiful breasts. He remembers her comment that she is only this nice to the people she wants to fuck. He imagines being with her again, licking the juices from her dripping pussy, flicking her nipples and watching her moan with pleasure. He remembers the sweet taste of her nectar. How he would love to be pumping his cock into her warm, wet pussy and watch her face as she writhes from his pounding. He imagines pumping harder and faster and harder and faster, Hanna screaming, until he fills her with his cum.
Erik comes out of his day dream and realizes that he has a major hard-on. He unzips his pants and pumps his cock a few strokes, imagining Hanna’s face. He imagines him filling her mouth full with his cum. It doesn’t take long for him to shoot several hard streams of thick stringy cum onto the ground. He watches it slowly sink into the green grass as he tries to put Hanna out of his mind and his cock back into his pants.
He relaxes as the sun sets, processing several scenarios in his mind. How many guards will be at the site, will he be able to maintain the element of surprise, is Terri even still alive?
Erik’s adrenaline is pulsing through his body. He doesn’t feel hungry but knows that he should have something to eat, so he pulls an energy bar from his pack and a bottle of water and makes that his meal. He waits a bit longer and finally decides that it is time to move forward.
There is a partial moon and the sky is clear, so he has the advantage of a small amount of light to aid him. Whether or not this is a true advantage is not clear as the Russian agents also have the benefit of some light. As he is preparing to advance on what’s left of the building he catches a glimpse of the moonlight reflecting off of something. He freezes and watches intently. It moves again. There is a person in the house looking out one of the windows. He seems to be making rounds and moves slowly from window to window but does not venture outside of the house.
He could get a shot off and bring this person down, but what if there are others in the immediate area? He can’t afford to give away his presence yet. He decides to attempt to lure the guard out of the house. Picking up a small stone, he throws it near the house. It makes a small noise as it hits. In the still of the woods, it can clearly be heard.
The guard disappears for several minutes. Perhaps he didn’t hear the noise, or maybe he though nothing of it. Erik’s apprehension is soon disproved. He watches as two guards exit the house and start moving around the grounds. Erik stays very still behind a tree and waits. The guards look around carefully as they expand their search area. One of them heads toward Erik. The other is on the far side of the house now.
The first guard passes right by the tree where Erik is hiding. Erik is ready for him. He swings fast and hard hitting the guard on the side of his head. The guard is stunned for a second. Erik grabs the guard by the shoulders and head, jerking his head back in one swift motion, breaking his neck. He quickly and quietly hides the body behind some bushes. His training has paid off well.
For several minutes there is no sight of the other guard but eventually he comes around the house. “Anton” he calls quietly. “Anton”. There is of course, no response. As the second guard approaches, Erik readies his rifle. The guard moves out in the open giving Erik a clear shot. He squeezes the trigger and the second guard falls to the ground.
Erik approaches him with caution and checks for a pulse. This guard is still alive. Erick can’t risk having him come to later, so he covers the man’s nose and mouth with his hand and waits for several minutes. When he is certain the guard is dead, he drags him into the brush along with the first guard. Erik re-pumps his air rifle, takes the guard’s machine gun and ammo belt and heads toward the house.
He enters slowly and carefully, not knowing what he will find. He must make no noise, or he will risk the possibility of an all-out battle with the remaining inhabitants. There is no sign of others and no sign of where the two guards came from. If there’s nothing else here, why would it be guarded? There must be more to this place. Erik carefully examines the ruins. The floors are covered with bits of broken furniture and debris from the forest. Small plants grow here and there. He is in a small room at one end of the house when he hears a noise. It is the sound of something moving, followed by footsteps. He sees the silhouette of a person walking through the hall in front of him. This person has a weapon in his hand and is looking carefully at everything.
“Anton, Fedorov,” he whispers in a soft voice. “Where are you?” He walks out of the house and makes a trip around the exterior.
If he finds the bodies, he will surely know that someone is there. Erik’s air gun is pumped and ready. He watches as the soldier walks by his window and takes aim. Just at that point, the soldier sees him but mistakes him for one of the other guards. “Anton. Are you taking a nap?” As he waits for an answer Erik calmly squeezes his trigger and the soldier drops, a bloody hole in his head.
Erik quietly makes his way out of the ruins and drags this body over to rest with the others. He wonders how many more could be in the house? At least he has a clue as to where to enter. He heads to the area where the soldier appeared and looks closely. There is a small area with no debris on the floor and a few scrape marks where an old bookcase has been moved.
Erik looks closely and can not see anything like a latch so he pulls on the case. It doesn’t budge. He takes out a small pen light and searches the book case, moving the few remaining books as he goes. He finds a small lever and pulls on it. The case moves slightly. He pulls again on the edge of the case and it opens for him to reveal the entrance to the subterranean hide-out. Errik readies the machine gun that he took from the guard and steps inside.
There is a narrow stairway leading down to a lower level. It is wooden and does not appear very stable. It creaks and groans as he descends. He hears a voice from around the corner. “Where have you been? Is everything OK?”
Erik proceeds and turns in the direction of the voice. Two men in uniforms are standing there. One has a gun in his hand. He has no choice but to open fire. With a short burst from his machine gun, he hits both of his targets and the men slump over.
Now anyone remaining will certainly be alerted to his presence. He quickly moves down the hall which has several doors. Opening the first he sees what appears to be a torture chamber, but it is empty. There are shackles, electrical machinery, whips and other torture devices.
He moves to the next door. As he swings it open he sees a similar room. Inside is Terri, naked and chained to a wall. Her body is wet with sweat and her head drooped down, but she looks up slightly as he enters. A partially uniformed soldier is at the other end of the room. Erik has his machine gun aimed directly at him. He has only his pants on and his hands are in the air. Erik spies a pair of hand cuffs on the table and tosses them to him, motioning him to put them on one hand. He does so. Then Erik motions him to secure the other cuff to a pipe which the soldier does.
Terri pleads, “Please get me down from here”. Erik holds up his index finger to motion her to be patient. He must clear the rest of the building first.
He peeks out the door and a shot narrowly misses him. Holding his gun through the open doorway, he fires a burst in that direction. Erik drops to the floor and looks out. A wounded soldier is standing in a doorway. He fires again at Erik. Erik shoots another burst from the floor, fatally wounding the soldier.
He makes his way through the last few rooms. As he opens the door to the last room he discovers Ditri. He is armed but when Erik aims his machine gun at him, Ditri drops his gun and holds his hands high in the air. Erik motions him to exit the room which he does as Erik moves over to keep his distance.
Finding no one else, he returns with his prisoner to free Terri. Ditri marches into the chamber where Terri has been held and Erik has him clasp an unused shackle to his wrist. Once secured, he searches the room for a key to Terri’s shackles but doesn’t find one. “Check his pants” Terri suggests, referring to the other soldier. Erick feels his pockets and soon has the key that he is looking for. He moves over to the wall where Terri is bound. He has to take her in for a few seconds before releasing her. Even after the torture that she has endured, her body is stunning. Her tanned, firm breasts are clearly visible in the dim light. Dried streaks of body fluids are flaking on her legs, below her pussy. A small puddle of her urine shines below her. After a few seconds he unlocks her. She drops to the floor exhausted.
Erik helps her into a chair.
“I would like something to cover me with” Terri requests.
“If you insist”
“I will be happy to reward you later for my rescue” she replies. Erik hands her the shirt that the officer had discarded and she puts it on.
Erik surveys the room in earnest for the first time. It is much like the first chamber he found, with shackles, whips, electrodes as well as a computer. He spots the leather “saddle” with the 10 inch dildo mounted to the center of it. He could only imagine what that was used for.
“What should we do with him” asks Erik motioning to the soldier? “Did he treat you well?”
“He is at least human.” Terri sobs. She then looks over at Ditri. “He is a pig. He deserves to die”
“Let’s see what we can arrange” Erik replies, matter-of-factly.
At that moment, they hear a noise. Someone else is coming. Erik grabs a rag and shoves in into the mouth of the soldier who is chained to the pipe. He takes another and shoves it into Ditri’s mouth. He offers his hand gun to Terri. “Do you know how to use this?”
“Of course” she replies. She moves to the edge of the doorway, clad only in a shirt.
A woman in a military uniform descends down the stairs and heads down the hall toward them. As she approaches she sees Terri’s head peering out from the edge of the doorway. She stops, not sure what is going on. Terri steps out, and points the gun directly at her.
“How many others are with you?”
“It’s just me. I am here to deliver supplies.”
Terri motions her to enter, and she walks into the room as Terri moves back from the door. Once in the room, Erik takes her by the hand and cuffs her to one of the shackles to which Terri was held earlier. Terri watches as Erik then moves down the hall to see if there are any others. Terri is left in the room alone with the three Russians.
She points the gun in Ditri’s direction and aims at his balls. “I should fix you so that you will never reproduce.” A bead of sweat rolls down his face. She moves the gun close to his crotch. Ditri is breathing heavily. “Please. I beg you. Don’t do this.”
“You had no sympathy for me when I was your captive. Why should I have any for you now? You’re a piece of shit and deserve whatever you get.”
The Russian woman speaks. “What has he done to you?”
“What hasn’t he done to me?” Terri replies. “I’ve been raped, tortured, had every opening in my body used over and over by anyone who wanted to fuck or abuse me. I’ve been restrained for hours with a fake cock up my pussy and my ass. Shall I go on?”
Before the other woman can reply Erik returns to the room. “I don’t see anyone else. I think that she really is alone. Her truck is full of food and other supplies.” He turns to the new female. “What is your name?”
“Darya” she replies.
“How long will it be until others arrive?” Erik asks.
Darya replies, “I don’t know. I only deliver supplies. There is very little traffic here, but I am not told when others’ schedules are.”
Terri and Erik made sure that all three prisoners are properly bound and cuffed and then move to another room to discuss what to do next. Terri explains about her mission and the machine. Erik is fascinated with the idea of a machine that can read others minds. It is likely that Darya does not know about the machine so she could be a good source of information if she knows anything worthwhile, since she would not try to mask her thoughts. They can try it on the other two, but they might be able to control their thoughts enough to protect anything sensitive.
Erik suggests that before they work on the monitor, they unload and move the truck. Terri helps unload and then stays below ground to watch the prisoners. Erik drives the truck a safe distance away, hiding it under some trees as best he can, and then walks back to the ruins.
After a little investigation Erik and Terri find the other components of the machine. They move the antenna into the other torture chamber and then move Darya there where they tie her up and then leave her alone in the room.
They watch the monitor as her thoughts roll by. She is hoping that they won’t kill her. She is also attracted to the other guard who was still chained in the other room. They discover some small details that might be of interest to their government and print that information from the screen.
Then they switch places with Darya and the other guard. His thoughts are of more interest to them. They are able to gather a small amount of intelligence including the fact that he does not expect anyone to come around for days. He also is intrigued by Darya and hopes that they would both be spared death.
Next it is Ditri’s turn. He is brought in and tied up. Erik and Terri watch his thoughts roll by. He is singing songs in his mind and doing anything he can not to think of things that might be of assistance to them. Now and then he slips but they gain little useful information from him.
Terri suggests “I think we need a diversion to allow him to think freely.”
“What do you have in mind?” Eric asked.
“A little pain might change his thought patterns.” Terri and Erik move the horse into the chamber with Ditri. Terri searches Ditri’s pockets and finds the knife that he used to cut her clothes off. Bit by bit, she returns the favor, cutting through his garments one at a time.
With his feet and hands cuffed, they drag him over to the horse.
Ditri pleads, “Please don’t put me on that. It will tear me apart.”
Terri doesn’t even bother to comment but does flash a sinister grin his way. Ditri is a challenge and it takes both Terri and Erik to get him on the horse and into position. He refuses to set on the dildo, so with Erik holding it in place, Terri climbs up on a chair and the puts her full weight on his shoulders. He screams as his ass is violated. Tears run down his cheeks. Terri straps him to the seat, just as he had done with her. Ditri is pleading to be moved off of this thing, but Terri and Erik simply leave the room without saying a word.
In the next room, they again watch the monitor. Ditri’s thoughts are of pain and anger. He wants to kill the two of them. He hopes that several of his friends will come soon and capture these two spies. They are able to get some names and other information from him. As his pain begins to subside, he again starts to control his thoughts.
Terri leaves Erik and goes into the room where the other two are being held. She takes the electric shock device that had been used previously on her and enters the room where Ditri is. She knows that she has to distract him again. She puts one electrode on his ass, just behind where the dildo has entered him and the other on the tip of his cock.
“No.” he shouts. “What do you want to know?”
Terri responded, “I want you to think of who you work for and who your agents are that are spying on us.”
“I only know a limited amount of that information, but I will give you what I have.” Ditri lets his mind review his knowledge of agents, and interrogation techniques. He knows that it will be of no use to lie, since that will come out in his thoughts.”
Terri moves into the other room where Erik had several printed sheets. “This is great stuff.” Erik tells her. “I think that we have enough. We should go soon.”
Erik and Terri take the machine which consisted mainly of a personal computer along with the antenna and a small box. They stack it neatly near the exit.
Before they leave, they visit on Darya and the remaining guard. Erik orders them to remove their clothes and Terri removes enough of their restraints that they can comply. It takes some time since Erik and Terri will not allow both hands to be free at once. Darya has a very nice body, and a thin beautiful face. Erik appreciates her beauty and had they had more time, would have taken advantage of her.
The guard is secured to the bed which had been used for Terri only hours ago. Then Darya is also tied to it, in the opposite position. The two of them are strategically placed in the 69 position so that they can perform oral sex on each other.
Terri jokes, “If you two get hungry, now you’ll have something to eat.” Then in a more demanding tone she says, “Let’s see some action. Eat each other out!” Both of them began to lick and suck the other’s sex organs.
Next they go to check on Ditri. He is still tied to the horse with his ass completely full from the dildo that Terri got to know so intimately. Terri decides to add a few additional restraints to make sure that he can’t get loose.
Ditri cries, “I told you what you wanted. Please let me go.”
“You’re lucky we don’t kill you, asshole, although if someone doesn’t come in the next few days, you may die from bowel blockage. Tough shit…” She laughs and the two of them head for the exit.
They pick up the equipment and exit through the bookcase leaving Darya and the guard to enjoy themselves and Ditri to contemplate his misery.