The city of Chandigarh is known for its high standards of living of its people,…
Sissy Cunt’s Transformation
Sissy Cunt’s Transformation
Melanies’ adventure continues
Chapter One
Mistress Evil has decide it’s time for her newest slave, Sissy Cunt, to be sent to her doctor friend who specializes in the total transformation of a sissy male slave into a thoroughly feminized pathetic excuse for a man. The transformation involves much surgery and requires five to six months including recovery time. Mistress Evil will invest around $100,000 in the transformation. A sum she will more than fully recover by using the slave as a permanent addition to her stable. Clients will pay her a substantial fee to have a session with the slave. Mistress also owns a private BDSM club and Sissy Cunt’s services will enhance the establishment. And somewhere down the road the slave will command a handsome price from some rich client that wants his own slave. After Mistress Evil tires of a slave, or feels she has too large a stable, the older ones are sold off.
Mistress Evil’s driver, and part time slave, Eric, will transport sissy the 72 miles to the facilities of Dr. Pain, a nickname he earned because of his sadistic rather than healing procedures as an accomplished surgeon.
Dr. Pain relishes sissies, and has two such slaves of his own. The results of their transformations have given him a reputation as tops in the business. Being a surgeon has helped enhance his ability to devise exotic methods of bringing pain to another human that seldom results in permanent physical harm while extracting the most pain from his slaves. Dr. Pain will only perform a transformation when the sissies owner gives him carte-blanche control over the procedures. Naturally the owner can demand certain procedures be performed but the levels of torment and methods of attaining the desired results are his. Dr. Pain uses no pain killers during any surgery or other procedures.
The trip to the medical facility went uneventfully. Well, uneventfully for Eric, anyways. I was transported in the back of a van that was not equipped with what any sane person might call creature comforts. A cage kept me bent in sort of a ¾ squat position, neither standing or kneeling. The strain on my leg muscles built in to terrible cramps after just 15 minutes of what would be a two hour trip.
And that was the comfortable aspect of my position. A huge dildo was in my ass, attached to a pole anchored to the floor. Every little bump in the road felt like the dildo was on steroids. Sissy would be screaming if she could. Her mouth was taped shut. Mistress Evil had put a dental dam in sissies mouth which prevented her swallowing the morning load Mistress Evil had deposited there. And to insure sissies discomfort, his genitals were attached by wires to a battery operated device controlled by Eric that sent shocks into his cock and balls at the push of a button. And Eric never let go of the device, pushing the button every minute or two. What was only a two hour drive seemed endless with a pounding in my ass, shocks to my parts and the wonderful taste in my mouth.
Eric pulled into the doctor’s estate just before dark, leaving Sissy in the van while he went inside. Being summer in Florida, the temperature in the van quickly rose adding to the sissies discomfort. Fortunately, Eric returned quickly with an older man who looked like he was probably the doctor. Sissy was released from all restraints and collapsed on the floor. She had to be carried inside as her legs had cramped to an almost immobile state. After handcuffing sissy, the doctor ripped the tape off her mouth. A thin brown liquid drooled out onto the cement floor. Dr. Pain informed sissy he would return in the morning. Eric advised Sissy to lick the floor clean if she knew what was good for her and left to return to Mistress Evil. Removing the dental dam was the last contact Sissy had till morning.
Having spent a near sleepless night as my pain wracked body responded negatively to the slightest movement, morning brought my official introduction to Dr. Pain. He informed me he had a list of things Mistress Evil required, but he was free to surprise Mistress Evil with any and all additional modifications to my body, You will of course need to be securely attached to the operating table as all procedures are performed without the benefit of anesthesia. If a woman can give birth without any painkillers you can certainly be expected to do so also. And we are giving birth to a totally new you.
Our first procedure will be to reduce the size of your feet to allow you to be fit with a
pair of eight inch stiletto heels. Your feet are much too big unless the heels are specially designed at great expense. In the long run Mistress Evil will save a lot with the surgery. And you, of course will suffer greatly during the operation. Approximately one and one half inches will be removed from each foot, starting at about he middle of your foot and tapering to a nice point. More than likely you will lose three toes on each foot. I perform this first as your feet will take two months or longer to fully heal. Being as this is a very painful procedure I have designed a mouth gag in the shape of a penis that is mostly hollow. It prevents your biting down and hurting yourself while allowing the wonderful screams to escape, music to my ears of course. Once your feet have fully healed you will be fitted with a set of heals two sizes smaller than your new feet to insure you are never truly comfortable. The heels will remain on your feet twenty four hours a day, seven days a week. They will be removed once a month for cleaning of them and your feet so they don’t rot off. Over time, your Achilles tendon will shrink so much that even with the heels removed you will be unable to stand flat footed. When the heels are off you will only be able to crawl around. Even more exciting, for you anyways, is my operating table. It is angled in such a way to allow you to watch all the procedures I perform. And of course the benefit to me is the ability to watch the anguish in your face.
Once heeled and fitted, you will practice walking a minimum of eighteen hours per day till you can walk as a lady should. Stairs are especially difficult to master. A remote controlled shocking device attached to your genitals will insure you work hard at perfecting your walk. Dr. Pain walked out and his assistants began prepping me for the first of the surgery.
When Dr. Pain returned the first thing he did was inject me with stay awake medications to insure my enjoyment (?) of his work. Next he took a surgical marking pen and outlined the area of each foot set to be removed. Incredibly, it looked like I was about to have about twenty percent of each foot removed. Dr. Pain looked me in the eye and asked “could you in your wildest imagination ever have thought you would be treated like this when you signed your life over to Mistress Evil?” With the gag in my mouth I could do little more than shake my head no as tears streamed down my face.
Seeing Dr. Pain pick up a scalpel I bit down on the penis gag in abject fear. Following the line he had drawn the first cuts barely penetrated the skin, but still I screamed. And it had just begun, as Dr. Pain worked slowly through layers of muscle, tissue and tendons. Never could I recall pain like this as I screamed louder and louder through the gag. Dr. Pain frequently looked me in my tear filled eyes and laughed aloud. Of course there was a lot of blood and an assistant tightened a tourniquet to slow the flow, but only mildly
lessened the pain. He next picked up a surgical saw and cut off the bone that had become exposed. It reminded me of some civil war movies where they showed a soldier who had been shot in the arm or leg and had the injured body part sawed off. At least they were given shots of whiskey to help with the pain. He finished the foot off by cauterizing the blood vessels and moved immediately to the other foot. An assistant meanwhile wrapped my first foot, which now was nearly triangular in shape. After finishing the second foot he exited without a word to me. He did instruct the assistants I was to receive antibiotics only. No pain medication at all. Most people have had some kind of surgery and know that medications only help, don’t eliminate pain. And when they start to wear off you know it. Having none was not going to be fun.
Chapter 3
When Dr. Pain returned the next morning there was no need to wake me. I couldn’t remember sleeping a wink with the pain. He carefully removed the dressings and inspected both feet. Satisfied he had an assistant re-dress the feet and bandage them again.
It’s time I gave you some idea of my plans for your visit to our facility. It will be a good while before any further surgery is performed. Even with modern science the body can only handle so much at once. Your next surgery also has an extended recovery period. On the same day you will have your larynx altered to give you a pleasing feminine tone to your voice. You will also have all your teeth removed and your gums measured for a set of soft rubber dentures. This of course is to prevent your harming the cock of any men you service in the future. You do get some relief though as for a two week period your lessons in oral service will be suspended. Normally you will be servicing 25 to 50 men per day to help get your technique adequate.
Today we will begin your hormone therapy. These drugs will enhance the softness of your skin, and begin to develop your breasts. These drugs would normally greatly reduce your hair growth, but they won’t get the chance. Every single hair follicle on your body will be permanently removed chemically. Unfortunately, these chemicals are rather harsh and painful. Consequently, your hair will be removed over a period of several days as to not put too much stress on your system. But, you get to endure the pain four or five times rather than all at once. Even your eyebrows will be gone. Securing a wig to a permanently hairless head has many advantages. It can be almost permanent when there is no need to re-shave your head. A strip of industrial strength Velcro will insure you are never embarrassed by having your hair come off while entertaining a client.
In a few weeks you will be given breast enhancement surgery. Mistress Evil has requested you be given 54DDD breasts. You sure will be popular with the guys and even some women. And such a large area to torment for those that wish to. The breasts will of course be ultra sensitive. This feature enhances the enjoyment of both the fondeler and those that torment your breasts. Your ass will also be enhanced to the point where your rear end will look like it belongs on a Negro woman. This is of course a feature added for the benefit of the many black men your future will bring your way. Your cheeks will receive injections for a sexier look. And my newest procedure is to inject silicone in
your lips. Nothing turns a man on when he’s getting a blow job than having oversized red lips wrapped around his cock. How big, you might ask? Think of a clown’s lips, but not quite that big. You still need to look somewhat realistic, but you get the idea.
Next will come the piercings. I’m kind of a modern thinker in this regard. If I’ve seen the piercing, you probably are getting it. You will have permanent (always welded in place) rings in each nipple, on your eyebrow, eyelid and lips. There of course will be numerous studs in your tongue as men love the stimulation to their cock’s head they give. Mistress Evil asked me what was the most piercings I had ever done in one ear. When I said six, she insisted you get seven. Lucky you. She loves to add heavy weights to the hoops you will have all over your body. Lastly, your lower body will have hoops attached to your navel, each ball gets two, and your penis one. Good thing airports aren’t part of your future. You would never get through the metal detectors.
Most of your make-up will be permanently applied. Eyebrows, eyeliner and eyeshadow will be permanently stained into your skin, like a tattoo. One inch long eyelashes will be super glued to both the top and bottom of each eye. The eyeshadow will be a light neutral color should you need to change it to tie in with any outfit you wear. Your lips will be stained a pinkish red for permanence, but at most times you will need to frequently cover them with bright red lipstick. Most men just love to see red streaks covering there cocks and want to be able to show off the red ring you left around their asshole.
Your fingernails will be surgically removed right down to the root. My choice for a little surprise for your mistress. It is very painful getting the roots out, sissy, and why I always do it. It eliminates the large quantity of time most sissies have to spend keeping their nails looking perfect. You will be fitted with artificial nail that are an inch longer than your fingers and unbreakable. The polish will not chip as they are colored red all the way through the nail. Too many mistress’ have complained to me about how long there sissies had to spend keeping their hands pretty. Problem solved.
A corset will reduce your waist beyond belief. Having a small frame will make this easier for you. Your waist looks about 26 inches. No sissy has left my hospital with bigger than a 16 inch waist. With diet and exercise you will have no problem fitting in a 13 or 14 inch corset 6 months from now. And that measurement will extend a good 7 inches from just below your ribcage to just above your waist, providing a very sexy look while always giving you a good deal of discomfort.
Bottom line sissy is, when I’m done with you you will look like the sluttiest, most
whorish piece of trailer trash Mistress Evil has ever seen. Men as well as some women will love using and abusing your body in ways you can’t even fathom right now.
Should the day ever come when you consider the possibility of escape, where could you go? Every detail about you will say “ look at me, a slut, a whore”. And you can’t undue any of it. And then you add your cock and balls to the package. Only gender re-assignment surgery could make you anything close to normal. That costs 10’s of thousands of dollars and you would be broke. When you signed your life away, you were told it would be forever. Right now, death is probably your only alternative to a life full of pain, humiliation and degradation.
Just before you leave here you will be fitted with a very tight, welded on cock cage. A similar one will be installed shortly preventing your sexual release. It will be locked in place but I will keep a key as there will be frequent times I’ll be torturing it. The cage will make the beginnings of a hard on very painful and usually causes your cock to shrink. Many here will try to turn you on just to see the anguished look you get. As promised by Mistress Evil, you will get one last day of sexual fulfillment. A day before you leave your temporary cage will come off. You will be given the option of masturbating to some gay porn or being allowed to spend an hour or two in bed with one of my gay assistants. You will have to reciprocate of course, but he will do anything to make the last sexual release of your life memorable. It may sound unpleasant now, but remember, never again will you be allowed to cum. Spending the time with a woman is not an option, per orders of your owner. I would have allowed it myself. Once your cage is welded in place it could only be removed doing serious, permanent damage to your cock and balls.
My assistants will be in shortly to remove your body hair and administer your first doses of hormones. On days when your body requires recovery time and you can’t be tortured, you will be subjected to much training in oral service and ass fucking, Most of my assistants are gay or bi-sexual. They have been told to keep you busy, any time, day or night. When your body can handle it you will receive intense training in pain endurance from me personally. I am 100% heterosexual and consider any straight man a threat to my ability to have relations with another woman. You represent competition to me. Consequently, I just consider anything I do to you as protecting my own interests. He laughed heartily as he walked out of the room.