The city of Chandigarh is known for its high standards of living of its people,…
He took her to a little Cantina and they ate Mexican food and downed shots of tequila. A Mariachi played next to their table the whole time. They went to the county fair. He won a big teddy bear for her. They went into the spook house and he held her close.
On the way out to his place he stopped at a bluff…city lights glittered like so many diamonds way off down on the valley floor.
“This is quite a view.” “Tonight it is.” He touched her chin turning her face toward his. He looks into her eyes and whispers…”Tonight it is” Then he kisses her…it is deep and passionate. Intense. So much so it takes her breath away.
He starts a fire and puts on some blues…he makes drinks then excuses himself for a few minutes. When he returns he takes her hand and leads her into the next room. There are candles lit everywhere and rose pedals laying about in a path to a hot tub. He slowly undresses her and helps her into the waiting water. She watches as he removes his clothes. He then joins her. He hasn’t touched her yet…and it makes her want him more.
He then begins to massage her…not directed in a sexual manner. Although at the same time…it is…extremely erotic.
He picks her up out of the water and carries her to the fire. There she stands watching…waiting. He produces a black velvet blindfold…pauses for any hint from her not to proceed…when there is none…he gently places it over her eyes. Her senses kick in to high gear…she shivers…not from cold but from the anticipation. The crackling of the fire draws her attention and then a faint stiring of the air.
She jumps as something brushes her skin. He uses crops and touches her faintly. Down the top of her nose…across her lips…chin…throat…down the center of her chest…stomach…then down her hips and both legs at the same time…back up the same way to the shoulders…down the arms to the fingertips. Then to the nape of her neck all the way down to the cheeks of her ass where he swats her…once
…twice…three times. She gasps. She finds herself extremely aroused. The places he carefully avoided to touch are super charged. Her nipples swollen…engorged demanding his attention. Pussy enflamed…throbbing…wetting itself in anticipation…droplets fall from the lips.
She feels his hands around her waist guiding her to the floor and to the soft skins laid out there. He has her on her hands and knees. He takes a crop and runs it down her crack and slaps her asshole. She jumps and raises up. He pushes her back and traces her ass again…spanking the hole then her cheeks..she is writhing but does not rise. He steps back and sees the deep flush taking form on her skin and he is overcome with insatiable desire for this woman. He turns her on her back and takes up one hand…then…the other and pulls them above her head and restrains them. He takes her ankles and spreads them wide then restrains them. When he stands and looks down at her she is now completely subdued. She is at his mercy…
She can hardly contain her arousal…she rolls her head from side to side…it is the only thing she can freely move. She feels something toy with her nipple…it is cold.She quivers as he plays ice on her body. He leaves a cube to melt on her naval. His mouth takes in a nipple…she moans and thrusts her chest up to him…he sucks gently as his tongue darts and flicks the rock hard button. He grabs it with his teeth and she goes wild. He drops down and laps up the pool of water on her belly. He moves and she feels his breath on her inner thighs. She tenses in anticipation for what she thinks will come next but he moves again and for a few moments she thinks him gone. He is standing again looking at her…her body glows with an intensity that is visible. She is in the throes of extreme sexual arousal. He strokes his member…it is throbbing…taunt from having a hard-on for so long…he goes to her and gently lifts her head placing a support beneath her neck which tilts her head up and back. He takes his cock and brushes her lips…she willingly opens her mouth and he guides his muscle in. She swallows him whole all at once…he his so taken back by this that he almost lets loose of his load…he pulls back and she lets up…she sucks and tongues his shaft…swallows and releases…she uses her teeth in such a way that it drives him crazy. He lets her take him to the edge and back time and time again. Then moves out of her mouth… and moves the support to under her ass. He spreads her cheeks spanking her again then begins to rim her. He probes her with his tongue making his way in…deep. She is thrashing about. barely able to contain the assault on her senses. His seduction is consuming her…wantonly she cries out…Her voice is laden with desire. She pleads with him to end her suffering now…she controls her frenzied state but barely just.
Then in one lightening fast smooth stroke he penetrates her and she goes wild with ecstasy…bucking and thrusting and opening herself wide to receive every inch of him he pulls up almost out then drives down hard and deep. He picks up her ass and holds it as he fucks her wildly. He pauses long enough to unbind her legs…then her wrists…finally removing the blindfold. Her eyes reflect the fire of her excitement…She now pulls herself up to a sitting position. She is thrusting and looking down at his cock and her pussy. It thrills her to see it taken in by her…again and again and again. He reaches under her ass and lifts her up…holds her then drops her down upon him…She clamps on to him. They can hold back no longer
…they don’t want to. He lifts her…spins her around…her backside now facing him. As he paddles her she milks his muscle with her own…They are at the point of no return and their heat can no longer be contained…it erupts…pleasure and passion and ecstasy consume them and they are taken completely by it. They cry out like wild animals as their seduction is for now being…gratified.
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