The city of Chandigarh is known for its high standards of living of its people,…
Sandy’s smother fights from Africa.
Sandy and her mom Debbie had been in Africa only two days. They had rented an old land rover and had already wondered deep into the bush. Sandy was twenty one years old and her mom was still only forty. Sandy was a wrestler, most would call her an erotic smother fighter, but she knew how to fight and smother finishes were her preferred way of defeating her opponents. Debbie had seen her daughter fight on many occasions and loved the way the fights ended, she loved the way the loser had a butterfly vibrator strapped tightly in place and the losing woman smothered out unconscious. She would never admit to her daughter that she found it such a huge turn, that she loved the final wild struggles as the butterfly vibrator held the unfortunate loser in its tight orgasmic grip as the smother pad finally rendered her unconscious.
The day had been a long one and now they were finally at the village they were looking for. The village was small but had all the amenities. Sandy and Debbie checked in to a small hotel. They were met by a village elder, Sissy, she looked at Sandy asking ‘are you are here to fight?’ Sandy nodded ‘yes’. Sissy told them ‘there are some fights in the village center, you might see one if you go there’. Sandy and Debbie thanked the woman and started to walk to the village center.
They arrived at the village center just in time to see the ending of a fight between two tall slim beautiful women. One woman was laying on her back, her arms pulled out straight above her head. Her opponent was sitting on them preventing her from escaping. The woman laying on her back was twisting and turning from side to side trying to get free, her kicking legs alternately sliding back and forth. It was obvious the woman on her back was going to lose this fight. She had a butterfly vibrator strapped in place and the woman on top was holding a pillow tight over her face. She had a huge grin on her face, she was calling out ‘not long now, not long now’. Suddenly the woman on the bottom began bucking her hips up off the floor, upwards, out to the sides, twisting and turning. The butterfly vibrator was obviously claiming another victim. There was no escape from the pillow, her shoulders lifting off the floor each time as she turned in a desperate attempt at escape. The woman on top started laughing, calling out ‘ soon be over, soon be over for this bitch’. Suddenly the loser arched high into the air and fell back to the ground. Completely still. She lay there legs wide apart, her stomach pulled right in exposing her rib cage, her tits hard and nipples so long. With all of her violent struggles her bikini had pulled right in making her lips stand out like two weenies. Sandy and Debbie had just seen their first classic smother fight in this village.
As Sandy and Debbie began walking back to the hotel they heard a loud cheer. They walked over to see what was happening. It was another fight, and it was also coming to a conclusion, Debbie looked at Sandy, ‘maybe we will see a fight from the beginning’.
They could see a woman on the ground, a black woman, her arms were stretched out above her head tied together to a stake driven into the ground. Sandy said ‘shit, she has lost this one’. The woman was tall and slim, she was obviously very fit, her body was muscular and well toned. Her stomach was all abs, her ass tight and hard, even her arms and legs were muscular. Her tits were hard with nipples that pointed straight up at least an inch.
Sitting next to her was the opponent, a big woman, she was fastening the last of three straps from the butterfly vibrator on the unfortunate loser. She looked up and smiled at the small crowd that had gathered around her and turned the vibrator on. The woman tied to the stake arched violently upwards and out to the side before falling back to the ground, there was no escape. She groaned loudly, then her eyes widened in horror as she watched her opponent pick up a small leather bag. It was the final part of this fight, the bag would be pulled over her head and secured until she fell unconscious. She knew that was certain and hoped she could fight against the vibrator and not be humiliated.
Sandy and Debbie watched the leather bag being secured over the losers head, she had gritted her teeth, eyes wide in horror as her face disappeared from view. The winner of this fight stood up to watch her opponent being smothered unconscious. She knew she would be unconscious in a few minutes and would put up a huge fight to avoid succumbing to the vibrator.
The woman began struggling wildly, pulling frantically on her tied hands, her body twisting and turning violently from side to side. Everyone watched in silence, only the sound of the vibrator could be heard. The woman’s muscles stood out glistening with her sweat as she fought furiously to escape from the suffocating bag and tormenting vibrator. Dust from the ground flew into the air as she twisted and turned, stamping her feet and arching up and down. Her head thrashed from side to side as her fingers clawed at the stake holding her.
Sandy and Debbie noticed the unfortunate woman’s toes begin to curl and stretch, her inner thighs were also trembling, it was a sure sign that the vibrator was getting to her. Then her hips began to slowly buck up and down, curling back and forth and gyrating. She kicked her legs out wide apart pulling one of them right back, bucking harder. The leather bag suddenly pulled in and clamped tight over the woman’s face, her head pushed right back. Sandy and Debbie could see the fight was almost over, she couldn’t breath in or out. As she arched high into the air women were calling out
‘will she lose this fight’
‘look the bag is tight on her face’
‘yes she will be knocked out’
‘but she is so strong’
‘yes I know’.
The woman fell back to the ground only to arch upwards even higher, straining, her muscles hard and tight. Her stomach was pulled right in, her ass rock hard her nipples were pointing up long and hard. As she fell back to the ground she turned and landed halfway onto her stomach. Her legs kicked wide apart, then she pulled one of them up and began thrusting her hips violently into the ground. Each time her ass lifted off the ground her muscular cheeks spread wide apart. Other woman called out,
‘our champion has lost, she will be suffocated’
‘no no’
‘yes, but look how she moves, she will lose just like the others’
‘yes, see how her ass and thighs tremble with pleasure’
She kept thrusting her hips up and down for about twenty seconds then suddenly she slumped into the ground completely unconscious.
A voice called out ‘our champion has been beaten’.