The city of Chandigarh is known for its high standards of living of its people,…
My Neighbor is a FemDom
I opened the front door to find my next door neighbor standing there, scowling. This was not unexpected as she and I had been feuding for ages over all kinds of silly stuff, weeds, tree-limbs, loud music, you name it. She was a retired psych nurse who had spent many years at the State Institution for the Criminally Insane, and she looked the part. Tall, lean,gaunt, lined face, iron grey hair pulled back in a severe bun, ‘granny’ glasses, and a combative expression. Enough to strike fear into the heart of any thirty- year-old single male who already had a sick attraction to dominant women, though usually half her age and palatable to look at, at least.
She held what looked like a letter in her hand, and pushed her way in without an invitation. Then she handed the letter to me. It turned out to be a photocopy of one I had mailed to a dominatrix in the next city.
“Somewhere there’s a woman wondering what the hell she’s done to get such an abusive note from you! I assume it was abusive, since it was meant for me! Unfortunately, shit-for-brains, you put them in the wrong envelopes! Whaddya think about that, young man? Your letter is very, uh, graphic! Makes good reading. I had no idea you were into such kinky stuff! Bet it would go down real well with the local media, maybe your place of employment! Why, sir, you’ve gone white as a sheet! Hilarious! I know we pretty much hate and detest each other, but I can’t help feeling a little sorry for you! This must be excruciatingly humiliating for you! Although in my experience, people with your ah, predilections, often enjoy humiliation. Anyway, it boils down to what I’m going to do about the whole frightening business!”
There was a slightly mocking element to her tone, and it dawned on me she was getting ready to get even for all the slights, real or imagined.
“Tell you what, I’m not such a bitch, I have an idea! Just let me see you, one time, in the outfit you described in this letter! I’ll laugh a bit, you’ll cringe a bit, and we’ll return to our mutual hatred, as before. Deal?”
She looked at me amiably, projecting innocence and mischief. I sighed.
“You got me. I’m had. I’ll do what you say, and I really appreciate your fairness in this whole stupid mistake! I never meant to offend you, I promise!”
So I went to get my bag of tricks and took out the rubberized nylon bio-hazard suit I had discussed in the letter. I slipped out of my sweats with my back turned modestly and stepped into the thin but immensely strong full-enclosure suit. I even had its own built-in gas mask. I zipped it up as far as I could. She quickly finished the zipper, behind my head, then spun me round to have a good look.
“Oh, I like it! You look so ridiculous!”
She seized the dangling convoluted hose and crimped the end shut, leaving me nothing but the stale air in the suit, which quickly became carbon dioxide. I fought to dislodge her amazingly strong grip on my breathing hose and got weaker and weaker in my efforts. I sank to my knees, unable to stand any longer, and began to pass out. Then there was air again! She was doing something behind my neck, and I realized she was running a length of fine chain out of my holdall, round my neck, and clicking home a padlock!
“What are you doing?” I gasped.
“Making sure you stay like that! I like you like that, so you can stay in there and amuse me! I mean it’s Friday evening, and you won’t be missed by anyone until Monday morning! How d’you feel about THAT?”
There was triumph in her raspy voice, and I had nothing to say, still in a state of shock over the speed at which I had been rendered helpless, and my stupidity for believing she didn’t have an agenda.
“You should be happy! Here you are getting the same treatment you would have paid through the nose for, and I’ve yet to hear one WORD of gratitude at my efforts! You have anything to say, Mister – and I’d be real careful not to piss me off, if I were you…”
The extent of my plight was now sinking in, and I said humbly, muffled in the heavy rubber mask, “Ma’am I’m extremely grateful for your time and effort, and I apologize for any rudeness you’ve had to put up with, from me, in the past!”
She snorted, and rasped, “Yeah Riiiight!!” and crimped my hose shut again, with such evil enjoyment in her tough old face.
This time she allowed me some air, carefully rationed to keep me conscious, but barely. So the old bat was into breath-play games! Scary! To my shame, I was becoming erect fairly quickly, and it did not go unnoticed.
“I don’t know whether to be offended or complimented!” she sniggered. “I had no idea you found me so exciting!”
She opened the zipper at my crotch, and my goodies burst out. She carefully snugged the zipper tight round the roots, holding me outside, exposed and vulnerable.
“Not too shabby!” she giggled, then her voice went serious again. “House rule no.1 – you do not touch this lot, ever, and you do not interfere in any way with anything I choose to do with it! Are we clear?”
“Yes Ma’am!” I gasped.
“Rule 2, you do not speak until asked to do so! Rule 3 – you will obey ANY command of mine instantaneously and accurately! There will be more rules, but these will do to begin with! Now lead me to the bedroom, undress me, and make love to me! And it better be good! Especially if you ever want to get out of that ridiculous suit again! Now OBEY!”
Shit, how was I going to do this? She was old and ugly, but too scary to mess with, since she controlled me absolutely at this point. I took her hand and led her to my bedroom, and undressed her clumsily, my hands shaking. She wasn’t heavy, and I reluctantly climbed on the bed, and settled over her, still almost fully erect. She cut off my air again, and told me I could have at least some of it back, when we were comfortably under way! She was tight, hot and wet, and soon I was performing to the best of my abilities, and it felt good, to my shame and humiliation. Soon she rolled us over until she was on top, and from then on dictated the action, absolutely.
“If you come, I will punish you so severely it will NEVER happen again!” she murmured close to my rubber-sheathed ear.
I stayed silent. I was learning. It crossed my mind that this was exactly the kind of treatment I had been so keen to attain with the other lady I had tried to correspond with! If only she wasn’t so OLD! On the other hand, she was perfect, personality-wise, I suddenly realized. There couldn’t BE a more dominant, scary woman on the face of the planet! Which was what I had been looking for, really. I suspected at some stage she would decide to put me in the rubber body bag rolled up in my holdall, and then I wouldn’t even be able to see her…..that idea helped me maintain enthusiasm for my ‘task’ and I was able to stay focused, until she spasmed over and over in a huge, long-lasting series of orgasms, then collapsed on top of me, sated, spent. We remained coupled, and I was still fully aroused and unable to do much about it.
“You like that?” she demanded, yawning and almost purring with satisfaction.
“Yes Ma’am!” I confirmed, realizing it was true!
“Want LOTS more of this?” she asked, slyly.
What could I say? No? I don’t think so!
“Oh yes please, Ma’am!” I gasped as she crimped my air hose shut again.
“Good answer! Want to add anything to that? Think carefully!”
Time to make a decision. “You have made me so miserable I’m happy! I wish this was permanent!”
“It is!” she giggled nastily. “You don’t really think I’m going to give up on such enormous fun! I’m moving in here, selling my house, and devoting the rest of my life – probably at least another twenty years – to keeping you ever more miserable, since you enjoy it so much, and deserve it so much! You, mister, are going to disappear off the face of the earth! You are my slave, and I will keep you rubberized in some shape or form, 24/7/365, with short breaks for hygiene and feeding or watering. You can carry out a rigorous schedule of housework, just as you are, every day, and cook, clean, and launder, to perfection. The amount of air you receive will be carefully rationed, and you will have to earn it! I thought I saw a body bag among your stuff, and I have always wanted to confine somebody in one of them for long periods of time, until they were begging to be released, at which time I will happily say ‘No! Not now, not later, maybe never!’ If there isn’t one already, there will be a similar zippered aperture, so I can screw your brains out constantly that way! You may not know it, but I was forced to take early retirement from the State Asylum for being too cruel, too intimately involved with some of the inmates! I’ll tell you all about it – in fact, I’ll show you! A picture is worth a thousand words!”
She began to move on top of me again, and away we went for round two! Soon I was blissfully happy again, and looking forward to my new life!
(Image Source: Joey Silvera Productions)